The LORD has called us to broadcast His Word of Prophecy out to one and all. These Bible based articles are the Prophetic Words of the Lord given to us, and to others, during Prayer for the use, benefit, education and enlightenment of us, His children. Please share them freely.
A chronological list of all our Words of Prophecy:
(Newest 250 First)
- A Word For Someone! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Revelation to those who Fully Believe by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- A Dream about “NOTHING” by Prophet Ken Dewey
- See the Blessings and not just the Dangers Ahead! by Stephen Hanson
- There is WAR in the Heavenlies! by Adrianne Kendell
- Always Rebounding by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Grace of GOD- A Wake Up Call to His Church!! by Jill MacKillop
- Don’t Teach False Grace! by Adrianne Kendell
- Sandy Foundations by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Host of Nations by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Signs by Stephen Hanson
- Getting a Healing Strategy by Doug Addison
- The Lord says: I wait for you every day…. by Angus MacKillop
- Vision of Golden Tickets falling from Heaven by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Warning and Hope by Stephen Hanson
- Emerge-ency Landing by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Guarantees by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- New Keys and a New Season by Doug Addison
- Many are Called, BUT…!!! by Jennifer Hobbs
- How many of MY Prophets have been Joined with Other Ones? by Stephen Hanson
- End-Time Message from The Throne: Be Encouraged! by Adrianne Kendell
- The Greatest Weapon, is MY Weapon of LOVE! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Misdirected Guidance by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Do we Treat the PROPHETIC GIFT like Candy? by Stephen Hanson
- Come, Stay Before ME! by Yolanda Ballard
- Birthing the Promises of God: “GET READY TO PUSH” by Elaine Tavolacci
- Winking at Injustice by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The Cambrian Mythology? by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- New Beginnings are Here! by Adrianne Kendell
- A Need for Mass Confession and Repentance by Pastor Nana Kobina Baisie
- 2014, the Year of the GREAT REVEALING! by Adrianne Kendell
- What kind of JESUS are you looking for? by Stephen Hanson
- Every Line & Mark showing other Territories will be Moved! by Stephen Hanson
- A great Deliverance is coming… by Jill MacKillop
- The Lord will Raise up a Standard!! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Oh, that I would get rid of your Rags, says The LORD by Stephen Hanson
- Old Mindsets are not Mine, Says the Lord: RENEW IT! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- The Wilderness, the Fruitful Field, and the Forest by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- There will be Streams in the Midst of the DESERT! by Stephen Hanson
- Realms of the Unknown (A Warning) by Yolanda Ballard
- The Lord says: My Way… is EASY! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Hey, I see that …. Toadstool! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Many Attempt to Hoard the Things I’VE GIVEN TO THEM! by Stephen Hanson
- Changing the Channel by Elaine Tavolacci
- If Jesus walked the earth today, would He attend our Church? by Jill MacKillop
- April, the month of MIRACLES and MANIFESTATIONS! by Adrianne Kendell
- REINFORCEMENTS for My BELOVED… by Yolanda Ballard
- My Spirit is Grieving!! by Adrianne Kendell
- Don’t get Caught-Up in the Hype! by Stephen Hanson
- What the Lord is Saying Today – April 2014 by Ras Robinson
- The Father Says Today – April 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- Winds of Refreshing & Adversity Prepare You for Your Destiny by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Word of the Lord for April 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- God is Raising Up Prophetic Intercessors for the Harvest by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams! by Elaine Tavolacci
- A Powerful God – Revealing A Powerful People – Prophecy by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Great Battle of the Ages is at Hand… by Stephen Hanson
- A Shift to Royalty! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Lion Has Come Down! by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Secret of Individual RESTORATION! by Mary Lindow
- The King is BACK! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Be Careful that you Don’t Speak after your Own Desires! by Stephen Hanson
- Visions into the Spirit World… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Why does Revival Tarry? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Warning to the Bride: The Lord’s Separation by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- A New MINDSET Must Form! by Adrianne Kendell
- This is Our Greatest Hour… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Blinded by the Light by Elaine Tavolacci
- Jehovah is so Mad with People… by Jennifer Hobbs
- Your Synagogues and your Houses of Prayer Honor YOURSELVES! by Stephen Hanson
- A PROPHET is Not Without Honor, but…. by Stephen Hanson
- There is a Generation I am Waiting For…. by Prophet Peter Odhiambo
- I Call You Again to ENTER INTO ME! by Yolanda Ballard
- Pray for the Middle East, Africa and the USA by Barbara R Thomas
- The Great Falling Away… The Great Apostasy by Yolanda Ballard
- Are You Ready to Break the Traditions of Men? by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Awaken, MY People!! by Barbara R Thomas
- The Year of the Redeemed of the Lord! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Forest of Apathy and the Chariots of Fire Experiences by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Prophet’s Message Must Become Part of Him by Stephen Hanson
- There is a Major Change Happening! by Jennifer Hobbs
- The Angel of the Lord Over the Statue of Liberty by His Kingdom Prophecy
- A Time for HEALING! by Yolanda Ballard
- WATCHMAN, What of the Night? by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Who is on the Lord’s Side? STEP OVER NOW! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Intolerance of Jesus by His Kingdom Prophecy
- The Prophet: The Job is not always Nice by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Final Hour has Come! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue by Stephen Hanson
- God Speaks In Mysterious Ways by Elaine Tavolacci
- Rumblings… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Who Approved You? by Adrianne Kendell
- Options… by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- March Forward! by Doug Addison
- The Hidden Kingdom by Stephen Hanson
- The Door Mat Season is Over! by Adrianne Kendell
- Open Both Hands, Let all Doubts Go!!! by Jennifer Hobbs
- Where We Are Now in the Book of Revelation? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Doors by Stephen Hanson
- The Night Approaches… by Stephen Hanson
- The Sting of Rejection! by Stephen Hanson
- It’s Time to Recover ALL! by Adrianne Kendell
- Only the Pure in Heart by Yolanda Ballard
- The Way is NARROW!!! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- You Are Standing In MY Door! by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The New Hospital Wing Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- GOD is… Already Everywhere! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Valuable Treasures in Earthen Vessels by Elaine Tavolacci
- Next Holy Spirit Outpouring: Feast of Tabernacles? by International Christian Zionist Center
- A Dream About Ukraine by Jo Ellen Stevens
- It is Time for Yet Another REFORMATION! by Stephen Hanson
- The Word of The LORD for March 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Who Has Heard the Horn Blow to Get Ready for Battle by Stephen Hanson
- Children, Be Prepared for a Great Escape! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- What the Lord is Saying Today – March 2014 by Ras Robinson
- The Father Says Today – March 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- Stretch the Tent Pegs over the Globe: Kingdom “Global-ity” by Mary Lindow
- Come, Search Your Hearts! by Yolanda Ballard
- What Spirit would YOU Follow After in these Days? by Stephen Hanson
- Trailblazers “Ablaze With His Glory” by Elaine Tavolacci
- America Beware: Red Mud! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- You will be VERY Surprised to see Whom I Count Worthy! by Stephen Hanson
- I AM Sharpening your Swords for Battle by Stephen Hanson
- The Spiraling Grain Chute Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Strands of Light and the Golden Bell Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Door to the Past is CLOSED FOREVER! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Pruning and Preparation are NOT Over with Yet… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Prepare: It’s Time to Discern! by Adrianne Kendell
- Past Devil Diehards by Prophet Ken Dewey
- A Scenario for the Unfolding of Future Events by International Christian Zionist Center
- The Process of Development by Elaine Tavolacci
- America – Under God’s Judgement! by Adrianne Kendell
- The Choice is YOURS! by Yolanda Ballard
- Be Surrendered for MY Purposes… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Deep calleth unto Deep by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- I Can See Clearly Now by Doug Addison
- Fit For Victory by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Vision of “New Canada” by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The time is Waning for my Bride to put on Her Clothes… by Stephen Hanson
- I will set your Heart on Fire as you Open the Door to ME! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Lord says, You are MATURE now, You are READY… by Adrianne Kendell
- The Lord Asks, “Is there a Prophet among you?” by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Seek ME Daily – You’re NOT getting a Blueprint! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Call to Eagles – Time to Soar Higher! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Lord says: I Really Like You! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Where is your CONFIDENCE? by Adrianne Kendell
- Are You Prepared for the Roar? by Yolanda Ballard
- Is there an Open Heaven in your life? by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Biblical Prophecy Today – 3 Kinds…! by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Will your Home and Life be secure against Storms? by Stephen Hanson
- Filled With Fresh Oil by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Valley Of Trouble Will Become A Door Of Hope In 2014 by Jo Ellen Stevens
- About Worship… by Pastor Mark Cyril
- Seriously, whose side are you on? by Adrianne Kendell
- You Have Only Begun to See the Beginning of My Hand by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Vision of The Circular Prayer Altar by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Isaiah 22 Generation Podcast by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- A Table in the Desert — Timely Insights for Today’s Turmoil by Mary Lindow
- The Supernatural will soon Supersede your Natural!! by Adrianne Kendell
- Fierce Winds and Waves… by Yolanda Ballard
- A Special Season by Robert Ssesanga
- Arise from Slumber and Prepare for the Wedding! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Who may Truly Hear the Sounds of the World? by Stephen Hanson
- You will Look Back upon the Forgotten Songs of Yesterday by Stephen Hanson
- Breakthrough Prophetic Word – February 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- I Am Making You Ready By The Hard Path by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Samson’s Mother did it!! by Jennifer Hobbs
- Face down, Hands OPEN! by Jennifer Hobbs
- You are using the Wrong Currency! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Lord is Making the Way Out! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- What the Lord is Saying Today – February 2014 by Ras Robinson
- The Father Says Today – February 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- Expanding our View and Understanding of Personal Prophecy by Stephen Hanson
- Today I AM Opening Doors, says The LORD by Jo Ellen Stevens
- You are Only as Strong as Your Foundation by Elaine Tavolacci
- A God Powered Acceleration is Coming! by Adrianne Kendell
- Word of the Lord for February 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- It’s all about OUR Obedience! by Adrianne Kendell
- The LORD Shall Roar out of ZION! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- A Love Letter from Jesus by Prophet Ken Dewey
- MY People will Raise up a Banner! by Stephen Hanson
- Desperate for Breakthrough by Yolanda Ballard
- Encourage Yourself! by Geraldine Coleman
- God’s Word should Glorify and Benefit the Kingdom, not man! by Geraldine Coleman
- He that Endures to the End will be SAVED! by Adrianne Kendell
- Words to the Wise… from the Lord! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Be Careful how you Treat People!! by Adrianne Kendell
- Angels are here! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Positioned for Greatness! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Lord says: “My Plans will NEVER Fail!” by Adrianne Kendell
- With the Spring Times comes a New Man… by Stephen Hanson
- A Small Cloud on the Horizon by Elaine Tavolacci
- Fear is NOT an Option! by Adrianne Kendell
- The Lord says: Be Selective what you “EAT”… by Jennifer Hobbs
- Kill, Steal and Destroy… by Jennifer Hobbs
- Out of His Heart, He Qualifies Us by Jennifer Hobbs
- Understanding our Revelations and Responding Correctly by Jo Ellen Stevens
- My Apostles and Prophets… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- You Have Trusted in Your Own Hands and Abilities! by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord is Grieved by our Spirit of Covetousness by Adrianne Kendell
- The Floodgates are opening up… by Adrianne Kendell
- The Window of Opportunity is closing on some… by Adrianne Kendell
- His Delight is in you and He Longs to show you His Glory by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Take Heed, Especially LEADERS… by Jennifer Hobbs
- Yes HE CAN and Yes HE WILL! by Adrianne Kendell
- Wait but Run-in-place!! by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Change in the Flame of My Fire… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- What great accomplishments would man do in this hour? by Stephen Hanson
- How long to wait on a Prophecy to be Fulfilled? by Stephen Hanson
- Transplanted for Expansion & Growth by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Catalyst of Apostolic Origins – Waiting and Worshiping by Mary Lindow
- Is it for Your Glory or HIS? by Adrianne Kendell
- A Season for PRAYER… by Adrianne Kendell
- Shout until the Walls Fall Down! by Geraldine Coleman
- I AM Pressing… by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- What do you mean, “Can HE do it”? Give me a break! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Treasures and Hidden Riches in 2014 by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Advance! by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The Pride of His Bride… by Jill MacKillop
- The Swing of the Pendulum has been Set! by Stephen Hanson
- REPENT and DRAW CLOSE!!! by Geraldine Coleman
- Prophetic Word for 2014 by Apostle L. Mars by His Kingdom Prophecy
- It’s Time to Grow Up and Train your Senses! by Stephen Hanson
- God is Preparing us for the greatest Spring Time! by Geraldine Coleman
- Prepare by Just Resting! by Yolanda Ballard
- The Spirit of Jealousy is being taken out of the House! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Lord says: The choices are ours to make by Pastor Debra Lowe
- The Spirit Realm Breaks into the Natural by Jo Ellen Stevens
- I AM cleansing My Temple… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Prophetic Word for 2014 by Doug Addison
- We’re Not Our Own by Derek Prince Ministries
- Press in Even Harder! by Yolanda Ballard
- What will YOU do? by Stephen Hanson
- Navigating through the Ebbs and Flows by Elaine Tavolacci
- What Would I Say to the Masses? by Stephen Hanson
- 2014: Double Expectancy, Redemption & Restoration by Pastor Debra Lowe
- 2014: More Revealing by Adrianne Kendell
- Let DOUBT, Die Today! by Adrianne Kendell
- 2014, The Year of the REVEALING by Adrianne Kendell
- Learn to DISCERN! by Stephen Hanson
- What HOPE? by Stephen Hanson
- Urgent Dream About Pope Francis by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Total Restoration by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Breaking out of the Old & Coming into the New by Elaine Tavolacci
- Word of the Lord for January 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Prophetic Word for 2014 by Russ Walden by Prophet Russell Walden
- What the Lord is Saying Today – January 2014 by Ras Robinson
- The Father Says Today – January 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- What Will the New Year Bring? by Stephen Hanson
- Word of the Lord for 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
I am blessed to have found you.