The LORD has called us to broadcast His Word of Prophecy out to one and all. These Bible based articles are the Prophetic Words of the Lord given to us, and to others, during Prayer for the use, benefit, education and enlightenment of us, His children. Please share them freely.
A chronological list of all our Words of Prophecy:
(Newest 250 First)
- A New Movement is Coming Forth in God’s Church! by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Rise and Find that Ark of Safety by Stephen Hanson
- What The LORD Honors In Desperate Times by Mary Lindow
- A Word For Someone… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Escape the Great APOSTASY by Yolanda Ballard
- What Does God’s Kingdom Look Like? by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The Lord says: I have Opened the Floodgates of MY Favor! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Lord says: Live in My Presence… by Barbara R Thomas
- From East and West, a New Breed of People are Coming! by Stephen Hanson
- The Word of the Lord for August 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The Plantings of the Lord by Mary B. Dovie
- The Lord says: Watch as I turn it around! by Adrianne Kendell
- I AM Not a God of Chaos! by Mary B. Dovie
- The Groom prepares His Bride… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- MY Awesome Power is Revealed! by Geraldine Coleman
- Blow The Trumpet In Zion! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Entertaining America by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Calling Down Fire From Heaven by Elaine Tavolacci
- Humility: Doing What God Has Called You To Do… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Greater Revelation of My Resurrection by Mary B. Dovie
- Dream Warning for Washington, DC by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Journey or the Destination? by Stephen Hanson
- Right at the Door! by Geraldine Coleman
- The Dominoes will begin to FALL… by Stephen Hanson
- Prophetic Word for this Unusual Season by His Kingdom Prophecy
- To Receive a Prophet’s Reward… by Adrianne Kendell
- The Leaven of the Kingdom by Mary B. Dovie
- The Lord says: Conform to MY Word, MY Kingdom! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- The Lampstand and the Pumping Oil by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Heaven and Earth are Waiting! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Fruit of The United States of America by Prophet Ken Dewey
- A Prophetic Word of Warning to Washington, DC by Prophet Ken Dewey
- How to Stay Steady in the Wind: Divine New Focus by Doug Addison
- Warring from Within by Elaine Tavolacci
- Let Your Words be FEW! by Jennifer Hobbs
- The I AM, is Bringing Balance to Every Area by Adrianne Kendell
- Stanley Frodsham 1965 Prophecy – A Warning to America by His Kingdom Prophecy
- I will put all your Enemies to Flight! by Stephen Hanson
- It’s Turning all around for My Faithful Ones… by Adrianne Kendell
- Who shall be able to Stand on that Day? by Stephen Hanson
- Sowing, Reaping, Gathering! by Barbara R Thomas
- Turmoil Within, Trembling Without… by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Peace Passing All Understanding! by Yolanda Ballard
- Exposed and Judged Openly, for all to See… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Trends and Presumptions – Enmeshed into Deception by Mary Lindow
- Right Now FAITH! by Geraldine Coleman
- Ezekiel’s Prophecy in 38 and 39 – Coming! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- From Crisis to Transition to Power of the Spirit by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Lord says, Beware the four Wreckers by Barbara R Thomas
- Hear the Voice of God Now… by Doug Addison
- Be right now in the moment!! by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The Closer to DC., the Hotter it gets…. by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Honesty & Transparency by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The LORD asks: Who AM I? by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Zombie and Vampire Craze by Doug Addison
- You Stand on the Precipice of Eternity! by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Hide in ME! by Geraldine Coleman
- The LORD is Raising HIS Voice! by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Lord says: Just About the Time… by Derek Prince Ministries
- The Lord says, Abide in MY Presence by Geraldine Coleman
- The Heavenly Paths and the Jeweled Cities in the Heavenlies by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Success, Expansion and Increase! by Geraldine Coleman
- God’s Warning to Washington DC and America by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Harvest is READY!! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Lord says: Listen to ME…. by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Into a New Season by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Prepare to Fly in July by Doug Addison
- Take this Opportunity Seriously! by Yolanda Ballard
- Leaders, Beware of PRIDE!! by Adrianne Kendell
- Obedience is Paramount! by Adrianne Kendell
- God is Warning the Perverted and the Foolish! by Geraldine Coleman
- Each Soul by Stephen Hanson
- Victory on Every Side!! by Adrianne Kendell
- Power, Glory Poured Out: The Results will……. by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Lord says: It Shall Begin on the 8th Day!! by Barbara R Thomas
- Word of Warning for America! by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Warning of Another 9/11 Scale Attack by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Running from God’s Calling by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Lord Stirred Me…. by Barbara R Thomas
- About Face? by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- I Have Said, “I Will Shake the Heavens and the Earth” by Stephen Hanson
- LATTER DAY GLORY POURED OUT – I will do it again! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- What the Lord is Saying Today – July 2014 by Ras Robinson
- Rejoice! It’s Never Going to Work! by Adrianne Kendell
- The Father Says Today – July 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- The Time of the 2’s and Double Anointings by Jo Ellen Stevens
- There is about to be Exchange, Replacement, Promotion! by Barbara R Thomas
- Do YOU have Shelter from the Storm? by Stephen Hanson
- MAJOR CHANGES COMING – A Prophetic Word to America by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Word of The LORD for July 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Religion versus Relationship by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Fountains of the Deep by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord says, I Will Reveal How Good I Have Been to You by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Refreshing and Renewing by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- God Speaks through Dreaming of Teeth by Doug Addison
- The Lord is Interrupting Normal Routine… by Barbara R Thomas
- America: God’s own Melting Pot… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Cross Blessing by Elaine Tavolacci
- Warning to Wicked Rulers, Warning to America! by Adrianne Kendell
- The Lord says We’re on the Precipice of Eternity! by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The Lord says: Take Dominion!! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Prepare for a Fire Released from Heaven! by Barbara R Thomas
- The LORD Says: I WILL Change the Face of The Church! by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Be Prepared for In Depth Cleansing! by Barbara R Thomas
- Don’t Fall for the Lies of the Enemy! by Adrianne Kendell
- I will Alert you to these things Ahead of Time! by Stephen Hanson
- The US Dollar will LOSE ITS VALUE… by Stephen Hanson
- Will you be a Miracle Worker or will you be Offended? by Jo Ellen Stevens
- 2014: Determine Now, NOT to look Backward by Mary Lindow
- THE LORD WILL SHAKE THEM! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- A Great Shift Is Here! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- I AM Bringing Your Children To The Foot Of The Cross by Jo Ellen Stevens
- All Inclusive Babylonian Unity! by International Christian Zionist Center
- The Lord says, I Am Doing, beyond your Understanding by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Prophesying out of One’s Own Understanding by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord says: Please Take Your Seat by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Lord says: “I AM Setting a Plumbline…” by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- A BIG Turnaround – Is Coming.. by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Dewdrops of Love and Kindness by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- The Great Revealing and Manifestation! by Geraldine Coleman
- Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous… by Stephen Hanson
- What is the Greatest Witness to Lost Family? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Twins for Your Barrenness and Double for Your Shame… by Jo Ellen Stevens
- The Anointing Destroys the Yoke and brings Truth! by Adrianne Kendell
- Who is the Man or Woman who would Sit before ME and Listen? by Stephen Hanson
- The Change is Here… by Adrianne Kendell
- The Walking Dead, or Walking in the Spirit of Life by Stephen Hanson
- The Avenues of Hope Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Seeds of Light Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The More you Pray, the More Revelation! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Stand Unwavering on MY Promises! by Yolanda Ballard
- A New Door Has Opened by Doug Addison
- It is by MY Grace and by MY Mercy… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- WHAT CAN YOU….”DO”? by Prophet Ken Dewey
- From Faded Glory to Shekinah Glory by Elaine Tavolacci
- Never ever try to put GOD in a Box! by Adrianne Kendell
- Stop the Devil Stealing your TIME! by Jennifer Hobbs
- You were Made for a Time such as This! by Stephen Hanson
- Speak it Forth in Confidence! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- I Shall Feed You Richly With ME… by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Ice Breaker Vision… by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Faith and Imagination by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord says: “I am waiting on you!” by Geraldine Coleman
- You are to Live Above the Events of this World… by Stephen Hanson
- Three Important Items by International Christian Zionist Center
- A NOW Word for “YOU” by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Ruling in the Midst of Adversity by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- PLAGUES coming upon AMERICA! – Pt. 4 by Prophet Ken Dewey
- An Unusual Shift! by Barbara R Thomas
- You Can Do This!! by Yolanda Ballard
- A Word for Prophets by Barbara R Thomas
- What is Your Life Season? by Doug Addison
- You are the Prophet of Your Own Life! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- The Coming US Presidential Election by Prophet Ken Dewey
- The Mystery Of The Abode of God by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- There is a Change Taking Place… by Barbara R Thomas
- By the Waters at Cherith I WILL Feed You… by Stephen Hanson
- Will it Help or Hinder? by International Christian Zionist Center
- Former and Latter Rain by Elaine Tavolacci
- We are entering in the Days of Noah, says the Lord! by Jennifer Hobbs
- Let those Leeches Go! by Adrianne Kendell
- From Where Does TROUBLE Come? by Stephen Hanson
- A GREAT FALLING AWAY by Stephen Hanson
- What the Lord is Saying Today – June 2014 by Ras Robinson
- Word of the Lord for June 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- The Position and Commission of Faith by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Father Says Today – June 2014 by His Kingdom Prophecy
- The Wealth of the Wicked will Fall into My People’s Hands! by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord says: Speak the Truth, Sing the Truth… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- The Lord says: I AM Restoring… by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Four Night Dreams to Watch For by Doug Addison
- Divine Deposits: No Deposit – No Return by Elaine Tavolacci
- Ring of Authority… by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- I Will Restore Your Passion! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- God Said “This Dream Shall Now Come To Pass!” by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Why Hasn’t My Prophetic Word Happened Yet? by Doug Addison
- Is our Godliness a form of UNGODLINESS? by Barbara R Thomas
- DON’T BE SURPRISED if you get hit with the FIRE! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- I am Removing the Waste Places… by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Steps to Turn Around Nightmares or Bad Dreams by Doug Addison
- The Lord said: The Wind Is About To Blow Again!! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Are You Hearing His Voice? by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Soon, You will Know Indeed, these things are TRUE! by Stephen Hanson
- The Dawning Forth and the Transformation Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- The Lord Says: Think Big – Act Little! by Mary Lindow
- Jealousy: As Cruel as the GRAVE! by Adrianne Kendell
- Triumphing Over your Taskmasters by Elaine Tavolacci
- The Axes, the Roots and the Golden Chains Vision by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Your Circle Has Been Written By Me by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- I am Stirring My Pools a New Way in May by Rev. Susan O'Marra
- Sign of a Worm & Word for Mexican Americans by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- You Are Not Who Sin Says You Are! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Warning to the Lukewarm Church!! by Adrianne Kendell
- Sudden Changes by Doug Addison
- The Lord says: This is the time…. by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Strange and Unusual Teachings by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord says: Blessed are they who NEED Him…. by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Stop that Foolishness, says the Lord by Adrianne Kendell
- This is your finest hour, says the Lord by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Time To Break Through The Shame Of Your Past by Jo Ellen Stevens
- RECHARGING! by Elaine Tavolacci
- Breakthrough is at Hand! by Yolanda Ballard
- Japan will Shake and much Land will Sink! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- I have set You in Heavenly Places! by Stephen Hanson
- What is Going On? by His Kingdom Prophecy
- Disasters set to fall on America by His Kingdom Prophecy
- My Secrets to Hearing the Voice of God by Doug Addison
- A PROPHETIC WARNING by Prophet Ken Dewey
- I AM Says… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- OH FOOLISH MEN by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Two Men… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- I Can Resurrect Those Dreams! by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord says: A Surprise is Coming… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- PLAGUES coming upon AMERICA – Pt. 3 by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Rise Up Oh Sons of the Mighty! by Jo Ellen Stevens
- Rise Up Mighty Men & Women of Valor by Elaine Tavolacci
- PLAGUES coming upon AMERICA – Pt. 2 by Prophet Ken Dewey
- People think they can SHUT God up? by Adrianne Kendell
- PLAGUES coming upon AMERICA by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Gross Negligence by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- For you are upon the Threshold of Those Days NOW! by Stephen Hanson
- The Lord said: Indictment by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- Stellar Conductivity by Priscilla Van Sutphin
- 7 Common Spiritual Dream Meanings by Doug Addison
- Ezekiel’s Prophecy in 38 & 39 – Coming! by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Speaking the TRUTH when it is not Popular by Geraldine Coleman
- A Prophetic Word to America… by Prophet Ken Dewey
- Only the True Word of God will Stand! by Geraldine Coleman
- Topics of Concern, or Not… by Stephen Hanson
- You are Ready, says The LORD! by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Those Who Sow in Tears Shall Reap In Joy by Elaine Tavolacci
- What the Lord is Saying Today – May 2014 by Ras Robinson
- The Father Says Today – May 2014 by Prophet Russell Walden
- Word of the Lord for May 2014 by Prophet Phyllis Ford
- Struggle Not with Hopelessness by Yolanda Ballard
- Get Ready, says the Lord! by Stephen Hanson
- Watch for Predators bringing Pestilence by Barbara R Thomas
- A Prophecy and its Timing by Pastor Mark Cyril
- “Sweet Tongued Prophets” who Spare the Rod! by Geraldine Coleman
- Woe, Woe, Woe, says The Lord of Hosts by Adrianne Kendell
- The Lord says, I AM Removing Blockades by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Led by the Spirit by Elaine Tavolacci
- How can we know a Vision is of GOD or what it Means? by Stephen Hanson
- Are You Corrected by God? by Adrianne Kendell
- Vision Warning to those in the USA by Stephen Hanson
- Reformation Pioneers are Appointed by GOD! by Mary Lindow
- The LORD says to Muzzle Doubt and Unbelief… by Pastor Debra Lowe
- Will YOU come out of your BOX for GOD? by Jo Ellen Stevens
- A Serious War in the Spirit Realm by Adrianne Kendell
I am blessed to have found you.