HomeProphecyAI Is Man’s Ai Aimed At Destroying Him In The End Times (Updated)


AI Is Man’s Ai Aimed At Destroying Him In The End Times (Updated) — 7 Comments

  1. All true , we are in the end times and the enemy wants to play god.WE worship The unique Almighty God who gave his son for us. He is omniscient, omnipotent and so much more. We declare he is the winner and El Gibbor and he is saying deep down chatbot is abaddon, so those who use chatbot have to be very cautious and others have to pray and be watchful.we stay in God`s presence and he will reveal the enemies traps and wicked plans and strategies to nullify these plans

  2. Thank you Father for using Jacob to enlighten us to all that is going on right under our nose!  Oh Father I plead the protection of the blood of Jesus on my family and the whole remnant and let all of our eyes be opened!  I am in a state of both rejoicing to be informed and distressed to think so many are falling for such!  However, I know it’s true.  I was exposed to New Age 20 years ago and learned that everything that is supernatural is not God.  So many could not see!

  3. It also stops people from thinking for themselves, much easier to let A1 do it instead. Come, Lord Jesus!

  4. What they want eventually is connecting human beings with the beast control system through a series of vaccination and hi-tech. The energy, vibration, and frequency they are using and increasing more and more are damaging/destroying people’s cells and causing different diseases, finally making people die as many people already know. What’s more important is that the demonic ingredients in vaccines can make people commit sins through strong mind-control. And more vaccination means more mind-control and losing self will. What is thankful is that His powerful fire/the refiner’s fire and the living water from the third heaven can solve this problem and make Christians overcome all these circumstances. I bless more people can go into His firewall/Goshen this last day. 2

  5. Thank you for your insightful and useful knowledge about this current spiritual and physical worlds. It is so valuable. All people in the world need this knowledge and information whether they are Christians or not. I suppose what you are talking about the CERN and its surveillance toward many people including Christians via high technology has long been under the process. It is time to recognize this fact(hard food biblically/knowledgeably) and fight back against the evil agendas with prayer and actions as possible as we can. I believe as a Christian surrendering and conforming are not God’s will toward us in terms of righteousness. When we resist, we can keep hold of more time for more non believers to understand the whole process of His 6,000-year history of salvation. I hope Christians set in an influential position will take actions with prayer. 1

  6. Thank for this comprehensive explanation and study.  I will be saving it in my library.  Sadly, many Christians are so deceived about the nature of their freedom in Christ, they have opened doors to the enemy and cannot understand why their lives are in poor condition.  I begged a loved one to stop playing war games on the computer, because the fantasy killing appears to me to be of the same thing as lusting in your heart.  I was rebuffed.  Now this beloved person, who may or may not survive, is suffering a horrible medical event that is clearly the work of the enemy.  My heart is broken.

  7. Watchman of God definitely on the wall thank you! Wow…there’s are extraordinary..! levels of info and insight here to consider and know. Please continue to share this content w/God’s people man of God. We need to know the ‘real’ news as well as the “Good News” so, much more now – Sir, my thought, is in the interest of potential / casual reader/s and ‘seekers’ keeping them engaged w/the wealth of info shared. Please, continue more of this w/US as Holy Spirit led. Praying for this Word released.  Pray Church!

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