Again! A Time to Speak!
The words of a certain apostle among us return to me.
He said, you will suffer, until God can trust you with the things you’ve asked Him for.
We wanted to be mightily used of God; it was at a minsters conference. Desire ‘Spiritual Gifts’. There was so much we wanted to do for Him; to have the gifts of the Spirit and minister as He led us.
Most of us have always known there would be a price we were willing to pay it. It’s doubtful that you can be like an apostle, unless you have gone through the things they did. And that surely applies even now. It’s part of it.
There is something I’ve known that needed to be said for some time. I didn’t want to be the one to speak it. Perhaps because of fear. But something happened to me as of yesterday.
I had to go through some very awful intense pain before I became willing to do it. I hurt so much I wanted to die.
I kept asking God why; “Why did it have to be this way? What have I done so bad that I must suffer in such a way?”
You see, in my terms, the bottom has fallen out of this world. Things happened that I could not even grasp or accept at all. It broke me. We prayed so hard — but it did not go as we had hoped.
Alright. I hear you LORD! Here’s what I’ve been holding back. It’s this. I don’t find Scripture that says The Pastor is the head of the Five-Fold Ministry….
The Office of The Prophet does not operate only at the will and direction of this one ministry. We’ve gotten some things, very wrong.
The Body of Christ as we know it, did not mature and grow as it was intended. Why? Jesus spoke clearly about it.
Traditions of men and commandments of men, were made to be a doctrine that all others were expected to follow. Men’s programs and their desire for power and control, have thwarted the original plans for the New Testament Church.
Church politics, the lust for numbers and entertainment, have stopped the full flow of the Holy Ghost that we needed to be the fullness we were intended to be. Men, suppressed our Gifts.
Church as we once knew it, has been brought to an abrupt halt. So many of us believed that there would be a great outpouring of The Spirit in these final days.
I still believe that. But how? As of now, there will be no big revival meetings that draws many to our pews. We have been locked down and it will continue.
It’s taken a lot of weeping and soul searching to come to a certain point. I’m afraid that we never grew enough to understand that God allows certain things to happen.
He has His reasons. Our platforms, our stages and our blue light shows have been seriously uprooted. That’s over.
The Holy Ghost could not work through all of that. The situation we find ourselves in now, will last indefinitely unless God changes His mind.
You see, too many would go right back to the same old method of business if they could. What do we mean suppressing the Gifts of The Spirit from operating in their fullness? Changing the order of the full Five-Fold Ministry — relegating it to a few.
Where are the elders of the Church? Is there only one for each assembly? What price will we yet pay for claiming something we did not have?
Paul said, I come to you in the power and demonstration of The Holy Ghost. Signs, Wonders and Miracles follow after the true apostles.
I so want to manifest The Fruit of The Spirit. I want to be Gentle and Meek, show forth Goodness and Long-Suffering. But we are also mandated to speak The Truth in Love. ALL The Truth, not just part of it!
Men and women of God who have been called and chosen for this hour, must speak what The Voice of The Spirit is saying. There will be no more holding back; or we will face eternal judgment for not doing so.
Where are The Gifts of Healing? Why are they not being used in their fullness?
My body has been sick unto death. My heart has been trampled and broken. My spirit has been lashed by the impact of the enemies overtime pounding and wounded until there have been only clattering pieces.
Where could I go?
Who was I to turn too?
Who had these gifts?
We were supposed to heal one another! Just who was it that stopped our ministry to each other?
Well, if I was at the point of wanting to die anyway, then why should I not give the remainder of what I have to this work?
I’ve been given special gifts — immensely needed talents — and a heart and love for those who need them. If Church as we’ve known it does not want them, then there is a multitude of souls who do.
They’ve never had a chance. They’ve never experienced The Moving of The Spirit and seen the work The Holy Ghost can do. They’re longing has far surpassed our malaise. They deserve to have what we have had.
Let me remind some folk. I am nobody. I don’t claim to be anything special, even though I am.
Church people can be harsh and cold. I don’t see those being used much in this final time.
Listen to me, you called, you chosen, you gifted, you appointed folk. God did not give you what you have to leave it crumbled at your feet.
Every gift and every ministry that God placed in the Church, is still there. All we need to do now is figure out how to use it in this time.
Being led by The Holy Ghost is the only way. It always was a Spirit led journey; that will never change. Pray hard for one another.
Let your thoughts and desires for others, move through the realm of the Spirit to guide you forward. Victory, is in our grasp. Hold on to it.
~ Robert Blackburn
To brother Blackburn, I say hold on as the Lord will perform his Divine surgery on you by his grace. please don’t give up. Satan comes after those who wants to serve our Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. That’s why you are going through all this. Remember, many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them. Hold on to God Sir. Thanks
The church needs to preach the pure & undiluted word of God. The church needs to stop treating sins & laws contrary to God’s word with soft kid gloves least she will be held accountable on the last day for misleading so many innocent people. I pray the holy spirit purge & purify the church of her fear, greed & immoralities so the holy spirit won’t be suppressed.
It certainly witnesses with my spirit. I was not raised in a spirit filled church, but it seems to me, according to the bible the spirit has been suppressed somehow. I was going to a church that preached the word and about the time the spirit began to move and the focus should have been on the alter call, it was time to pick up whatever on the way out and make room for the next service.
Holy Smokes…
Smokes by the Fires of the Holy Rauch Ha Kadesh…
Crying to YHWH the “Church” is so full of traditions of men that the don’t even realize that we’re supposed to healing the sick and cleanse the lepers and actually raise the dead because they’re just cohabiting with demons not casting them out…
The 5-fold is down to a 2 man show with a preacher and a teacher who allows the 3 evangelical guy to come by, but NO ONE BELIEVES jack…
Everyone is scared of a wimpy “disease” and not even having Church…
Ignorance breeds ignorance…
Evil breeds evil…
i praying for a resurgence and resurrection of every anointing ever seen in the Globe and more that an Army of Smith Wigglesworth’s that doesn’t think that death is even an obstacle…
Speak Truth Brother…
You’ve got that right, brother. My eyes were opened about church leadership decades ago, but no one is interested in elder-led churches. Everybody wants to be a boss; or everybody wants to dump all the spiritual responsibilities on one person (so they can crucify him when anything goes wrong?).
And the few that do pursue elder-led church government know nothing about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. I’ve interceded much over this and many other things concerning the Church, but throughout the Holy Spirit made it apparent to me that because the ‘pillars’ of the Church are without excuse in this regard, He has ‘given them over’ to their lust and their greed, their doubt and fear, their pride and vanity; this season has had to run its course until they have drunken their potion down to its last dregs. I pray that with all that’s been going on, that season has come to an end. Thank you for putting that out there, brother; I’m sure we’re not the only ones!
God bless.
Amen and Amen