HomeProphecyActs — A New Era — Tarry Until!


Acts — A New Era — Tarry Until! — 7 Comments

  1. Watch, for new and ancient ways shall collide in this kairos moment and that which has been reserved and preserved for such a time as this, shall be released to My Living Keys for the Building and Establishing of My Kingdom Purposes on the earth!”

  2. Thank you Veronika, this is very exciting and TIMELY.

    I’m not sure if all are aware that starting Tuesday evening/Wednesday (11-12 June), we will be celebrating the LORD’S feast of Shavuot or as translated in Greek PENTECOST..  We are in the season of the counting of the Omer as instructed in Leviticus 23:15 & 16, and Deuteronomy 16: 9.  This period of 50 days prepares God’s people for the receiving of the Torah/instruction and thousands of years later, on the very same day, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
    Or as Veronika was given in the word above, “This was a Holy Invitation to Ascend the Heights to Receive a Fresh Baptism of Fire, for the days ahead”’. 

    We are precisely in the period of Acts between our Lord and Messiah’s Ascension (day 40 of the Counting of the Omer), when He told his disciples in Acts 1 to tarry in Jerusalem, – and day 50 of Shavout/Pentecost.  7 June when Veronika received/gave the word (depending on the time she received it would be day 45/46 of the Omer, 5/6 days after Yeshuah’s Ascension and 4/5 days before Shavuot/Pentecost)!  SO EXCITING!

    I know that all your readers know Acts very well (or you wouldn’t be here…), but I ask all to re-read Acts chaps 1 & 2.

    Veronika ends with, “And then I heard, ”Watch, for new and ancient ways shall collide in this kairos moment and that which has been reserved and preserved for such a time as this,…”

    For more detailed teaching a website I enjoy is yeshivasukkatdavid.com

  3. Thank you Veronika, as always, for this Kairos moment of kairos revelation for the supernatural move of the Lord. So many blessings, dear woman of God, Sandi

  4. A ctivate
    C hrist
    T he
    S upernatural

    The ACTS of 5 fold ministry gifts governed BY the Glory for Greater works in the earth, building, establishing God’s Kingdom purpose, as A New Era Prov. 16:9 KJV is ordered.

    Find THE Place CHURCH Gen. 22:4 KJV Gen. 22:9a KJV ACTIVATE through obedience Gen. 22:18 KJV

    John 14:12 KJV the works are greater in ‘scope’/territory for the cause of Christ..

    His Kingdom comes…!

  5. Awesome