Acceleration, in this New Season of Grace!
The Spirit says, ”In this New Season of My Grace, I will bring an Acceleration in your pace and you shall Occupy and Rule from a New and Higher Spiritual Place, and Accomplish more than before, as you fix your gaze upon My Face!”
As we step into this divine season of Grace Upon Grace Upon Grace, there is an invitation to relinquish the weights and cast off the heavy yokes of the past Season that have held us back and hindered our Advancement.
The Hour of Divine Restore is here! It’s time to Release the doubts and fears that have clouded Vision, and distorted Truth and Revelation, for these things have no place in the light of His Glory.
Put your Trust in the promise that with every step of faith, we are being supernaturally propelled forward into a realm of possibilities beyond our wildest imaginations!
Eye has not seen — ear has not heard — nor has it entered into the heart of Man what He has prepared for those who Love Him! (1 Corinthians 2:9)
Raise the Sails of Hope and Expectation again, for the Winds of Change are now blowing. There is a stirring up, as a fresh Anointing of Oil and Fire now comes upon your life.
Watch — as New Doors swing wide and opportunities previously unseen, suddenly begin to unfold before you!
Doors once closed, will now suddenly open up!
His Favour will surround you like a Shield, and the work of your hands will flourish and prosper in ways you have longed and hoped for.
This New Day will require the Unforced Rhythms of His Grace, in order to take new ground and Occupy New Territory.
These Uncharted Waters will demand that we stay anchored in His Word, which will be a Compass and a Guiding Light through the uncertainties that will arise and threaten to overtake and overwhelm us.
Listen! There is a Clarion Call to Come Up Higher above the Noise and the Intensity of War.
In the quiet and in the stillness of knowing Him, we will find Peace, Power and Strength to Overcome.
In the gentle whisper we will hear the Secrets of His Wisdom, that will bring Understanding and Knowledge that will illuminate the path ahead.
“Behold, I AM doing a New Thing! Watch — for You will see it — and You will become My Witnesses of the full manifestation of the dreams and visions that once laid dormant.
So, get Ready! For you will Rise and Arise to greater heights and deeper Dimensions of My Glory that will expand your influence and will extend your borders far beyond what you can envision, and you will walk in New Levels of Power and Authority as true Kingdom Ambassadors on the Earth.
Lift Up your head and Rejoice — for the Ever-Present Helper is Here, and the days ahead are filled with New and Fresh Promises as we Come into divine Alignment.”
The Spirit says, ”Having done al, now stand! Stand firm in My Grace, for it is sufficient for you.
And know that My Grace has already equipped and the empowered you for this Race and for the work I have Called you to!
I say, Step Forward! For your New Season has surely begun!
Step Up — and boldly step into your True Identity and Kingdom Destiny.
Fear not — for My Grace has paved every step of the way!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Hallelujah! Thank you my dear sister for confirmation! Blessings.
I receive it in Yeshua’s name. Amen
10 years ago on this very day I screamed out “I CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST!!!” This was after weeks of the Lord allowing me to hear the enemy of my soul demanding to Him that I choose, to which He would simply respond, “She will.” I felt in the physical what had happened in the spirit. My whole body jolted forward as I was stripped naked and ashamed before Him. All of hell broke loose and I could literally hear as the spirits of wickedness laughed over the folly of the lukewarm surrounding me. They have taunted and mocked me every step of of this journey, hoping I would quit, but when I chose Jesus, it was no longer up to my flesh, but His Spirit and Strength carried me through. I quit drugs, drinking, smoking, swearing, and lying. I gave up my hair, makeup, wardrobe and size 3 body. Persecution is literally world wide thanks to the web.
This is coming upon the Church, but I am an example to the obedient that He will get us through, that He will have His Bride, and She will be a radiant reflection of Him from the inside-out!! She will allow Him to remove in the Fiery Furnace of His Love the less than nothing He’s not to become from the Center-out the Very Best Than Everything that He is instead. And the world will come running to HIS LIGHT!!!
God bless you beautiful lady. I am forever grateful to Him for you and all who encouraged and edified on this platform, it has been like Living Water to a dry sponge!!
God bless your beautiful heart!!
Amen! Hallelujah my King!