HomeProphecyAcceleration, in this New Season of Grace!


Acceleration, in this New Season of Grace! — 8 Comments

  1. 10 years ago on this very day I screamed out “I CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST!!!” This was after weeks of the Lord allowing me to hear the enemy of my soul demanding to Him that I choose, to which He would simply respond, “She will.” I felt in the physical what had happened in the spirit. My whole body jolted forward as I was stripped naked and ashamed before Him. All of hell broke loose and I could literally hear as the spirits of wickedness laughed over the folly of the lukewarm surrounding me. They have taunted and mocked me every step of of this journey, hoping I would quit, but when I chose Jesus, it was no longer up to my flesh, but His Spirit and Strength carried me through. I quit drugs, drinking, smoking, swearing, and lying. I gave up my hair, makeup, wardrobe and size 3 body. Persecution is literally world wide thanks to the web.
    This is coming upon the Church, but I am an example to the obedient that He will get us through, that He will have His Bride, and She will be a radiant reflection of Him from the inside-out!! She will allow Him to remove in the Fiery Furnace of His Love the less than nothing He’s not to become from the Center-out the Very Best Than Everything that He is instead. And the world will come running to HIS LIGHT!!!
    God bless you beautiful lady. I am forever grateful to Him for you and all who encouraged and edified on this platform, it has been like Living Water to a dry sponge!!
    God bless your beautiful heart!!

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