A Word for the UK: In Death, New Life Comes Forth!
A word concerning the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland…
The death of Jean Darnell – a powerful prophetic sign: Seeds of great destiny and the Spirit of Resurrection Power!

Jean Darnell
A few days ago, I happened to stumble across a post on Prophetic Releasers Facebook page concerning the death of a prophetess called ‘Jean Darnell’.
Now as I saw her name I was immediately caught up in a powerful vision where I saw this lady (who I don’t know or indeed have ever heard of) Jean Darnell in the courts of heaven where she was standing in the great throne room of heaven and she was warring on behalf of the nation of the United Kingdom.
She was standing surrounded by a host of angelic beings. She was crying out with a loud voice, “Grace! Grace! Grace over the nation of Great Britain!”
Now as I looked at her again, I knew by divine revelation that she was waging war in the heavens concerning the destiny and birthright of Great Britain in this hour.
As I came out of the vision, I began to pray fervently concerning what I saw, and The Holy Spirit began to show and reveal to me that the timing of Jean Darnell’s death is very prophetically significant for the nation.
I was shown that her passing into glory at this specific time is for two reasons:
First, is that she is now being used in an even greater way by God to stand in the gap for the nation at this time.
She is standing before the Throne Room of Heaven crying out “Grace! Grace! Grace,” to every mountain that seeks to halt and hinder the next great move of God over the nation.
She stands as a mighty prayer and prophetic warrior before a great cloud of witnesses decreeing and declaring freedom and new life over the nation.
Her prayers and prophetic declarations, together with the prayers and declarations of the saints here on earth, are now shifting the spiritual atmosphere over the nation and causing a great acceleration and advancement to the Kingdom Plans and purposes of God for our nation at this time.
Secondly, I was shown that the ‘prophetic words released over the nation by Jean Darnell’ were seeds, seeds of a Kingdom Destiny for this nation, seeds that were released into the spiritual ground of our nation.
I saw that now in her physical death, a spiritual birthing of new life will take place over the nation and over the church.
I saw the seeds of destiny on the day she died suddenly bursting forth from the ground, and I heard The Spirit say, “Watch and listen, as My Spirit and My Word come together, for in death new life comes forth!
Now listen! For a new sound will be heard, the sound of rattling in the realm of the Spirit.
Watch! As My Spirit of Resurrection Power begins to move upon the dry bones of this nation, for the seeds of destiny which have laid dormant will now suddenly begin to emerge, bringing forth the promise of new and greater life.
For this is the season of birthing! This is the time of divine transformation, restoration and reformation in the nations of the earth.
Behold, I AM doing a new thing!” says God.
Please Note:
The death of a member of the royal family will also be a sign that the nation is being raised up to new and greater life.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Your word is appreciated and indeed Hallelujah. In Yeshua’name & to His Glory. Amen.
Yes, Prince Charles will become King Charles. Then, the King of Kings will come. The Captcha code: “..4C” = forsee