A Word for the Overcomers
We do not want anything in common with the devil.
Jesus said the prince of this world cometh and he hath no place in me. We can only overcome the religious leviathan spirit if he has nothing in common with us.
Let us stay humble before our God, that He may direct us to fully obey and move as He, through His word and by His Spirit, instructs us to do. This is the sure way to overcome this attack.
Jesus faced it with the religious leaders of his day. Job faced it with his religious finger pointing friends of his day. Job overcame it and Jesus gave us example.
We can see that Jesus did not open his mouth to justify himself before his accusers, for He knew they did not know what spirit was operating through them.
He said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” as He hung on the cross. Job in his overcoming, did try to justify himself in works, because his accusers and miserable comforters were trying to tell him he must have done something wrong.
This is something the flesh seeks to do in situations such as this, but He who justifies us is the LORD. In doing so, Job himself got into a pride of self righteousness. God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind, and we know Job repents in dust and ashes. He went on to get a double portion from the LORD for he had spoken that thing which was right.
God will deal with this spirit of pride and self righteousness in the hearts, whether it operates within us or anyone else, for He is purifying His people. This is all a part of that process.
God will bring His people through whatever He brings you to. We must allow the process and do not resist the fire. God in all of His wisdom, knows what is needed to get us to the place He is taking us.
“Canst thou draw out leviathan with a hook? or a tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Job 41:1.
“His scales are his pride, shut up together, as with a closed seal,” Job 41:15.
“The sword of him that layeth at him, cannot hold the spear, the dart, the habergoen,” Job 41:26.
“He beholdeth all high things; he is a king over the children of pride,” Job 41:34.
The Bible tells us that Job was a perfect and upright man as far as a man’s heart could be, but God’s heart is greater than our hearts, because He knows all things. Job went from being a upright man who did good for many people, to a man with God’s heart, to love and pray even for those who were accusing him.
We are to love even our enemies and pray for them, for only by pride cometh contention. Job got the victory over the beast, for love never fails!
The enemy is nothing more than a tool in the hand of God to bring us through to perfection, a part of the process of the cross and the crucifying of the flesh nature that is always contrary to God, in order that His true nature can fully be manifested through us.
This is a part of the manifold wisdom of God. We know that all things are working together for our good because we love God and are called according to His purpose.
As long as we abide in the vine, His Word, we are under His protection and He promises us victory. We are told to give no place to wrath, for vengeance is mine saith the LORD, I will recompense.
There have been many casualties of war, simply because of not being obedient and led by His Spirit, by not abiding in His Word. However, the way to victory, and the way to always triumph is through and by Christ Jesus our LORD, the living Word of God. For these words He speaks they are Spirit and they are life.
So warriors, let’s continue to fight the good fight of faith, the faith that overcomes the world, knowing the greater one lives within us and it is in Him that we live, move, and have our being.
For He is the one who always causes us to triumph. So let’s fight from this place of victory to win and not be ignorant of the devil’s devices. For we are not wrestling against flesh and blood.
We must learn to rule and reign from a higher realm (love never fails) where Christ sits, resting in Him to do all that He has spoken as He makes our enemies our footstool, (Third Realm stuff here).
As we do as He instructs us to do, He will do all He has spoken to us. He will do the avenging. For there is a day appointed when His wrath will be revealed and will be poured out upon the heads of the wicked and those who fail to repent and follow Him.
Let us rise up, rising above our enemies, far above them, walking as Jesus walked and instructs us to do, where there is always protection and great victory!
To God be all the Glory!
~ Kimberly Fuller
Very good Woman of God! You are absolutely right! The spirit of pride has brought more damage to not just the body of Christ but also the world from religious leaders and sects operating out the spirit of pride instead of the Holy Spirit. It’s as if we forgot God brought us to this place and not we ourselves! If we would humble ourselves and walk in love by the power of the Holy Spirit we would see more revival, salvation, deliverance and healing! Thank God He is about to do a mighty work on earth! Be blessed woman of God!
Amen God’s love never fail.When we pray for our enemies that’s pure love.