HomeProphecyA Word for The British Church


A Word for The British Church — 5 Comments

  1. The blowing of the shofar is a relatively recent innovation in Christianity.  It is fine if it is done in response to a particular rhema word and in faith, but the danger is that it is seen as part of a general formula for blessing and as a means to an end.  Acts that were once originally fresh and prophetic can through repetition over time become stale and part of the liturgy of the charismatic church. I believe that true revival will follow the anointed preaching of the word, when the Holy Spirit blows on us to glorify the Son rather than when we blow on the shofar.

    • Once again, I agree with Mark Roberts. I too have seen something that was fresh being turned into a tradition or formula. I believe there is also a tendency to expect or demand that God ‘speak’ or show Himself in a certain way e.g. many ‘encounter’ meetings & evenings are set up with this expectation. God spoke to Elijah in the still, small voice – not the earthquake, wind or fire. I don’t know if access to the written law was available to all at that time, but would the laws & history not have been handed down verbally?