A Word for America to Pray Over!
This is a Word received on January 7, 2019 @ 20:26 hrs and that I’m impressed to post here today.
This morning, I was in deep intercession and travailing over our nations and leaders and I saw some things that were frightful.
As I interceded for the nations…. I saw a giant snake, a serpentine spirit wrapping itself around a building in the United States.
The building was a monumental building, a very tall building. I tried to search for the building that matched the description I saw so far.
I found two, the Empire State Building and a Jefferson Davis site.
I looked again and in Jamaica here, it’s like I was at the waterfront and I saw a demon come up from the sea, naked, breasts out and all, making her way on shore.
Right away I knew that was marine, the spirit in operation over the country that’s responsible for the death of children, accidents, high rape cases, incest and murder-suicide.
After, while I lay there, I asked the Holy Spirit what’s that all about?
This I heard, “The cities and lands have been polluted with idolatry and witchcraft and they have fed themselves with the detestable things.
They have renounced My name and rejected My Words.
The Pastors no longer preach against sin, but have made themselves commoners. But I will remove them and let another take their office.
I will remove My hand from them and cause them to walk in the way of Baal which they have chosen, to sit and eat with swines and dine with Beelzebub.
For I have called you My people to be a Holy nation, a set apart people, but they have chosen their own way”
Beloveds, I don’t believe now is the time to be comfortable in Zion.
Come out from among them and be separated.
~ Syreeta Thomas
Thank you for your faithful word of warning.God bless and guide you always.
Kali/Cali is the spirit: Empire State Building – https://www.google.com.hk/search?q=empire+state+building,+kali+image&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwju5NGjxvXYAhWNqlMKHSi9AnEQsAQIKw&biw=1225&bih=588&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=vRxrWuGFNoKw8QXmoKPYDA
Hindu spirit – yoga empowered
So do you think some Americans are doing yoga with zeal?