HomeProphecyA Word About the Monarchy in Britain (Updated)


A Word About the Monarchy in Britain (Updated) — 16 Comments

  1. Whatever people think of Harry and all the craziness around him, there is some deep pain, especially around the untimely death of his mother, that has caused him “act up” & to distance himself. Amanda Grace has had many prophetic words about the royals, but recently indicated Harry may well be a key to the unraveling of the monarchy with respect to this… It is possible that he might reveal truth after his father passes that would expose William as the Saul you speak to…?

  2. I watched a video about the New Official Portrait of William and Kate on YouTube, it is beautiful. The man who made the video also paints Portraits and critiques Portraits. If anyone has seen it, The Portrait is lovely. But the critic pointed out many unusual details,,,he digitally changed it around to make it look as he thought that it should be for the young Royal couple… he changed every detail in fact. But the most obvious thing about it was that the Royal Couple were looking back, as to the past. The Critic noted that William and Kate should have been looking to the future, which was in the other direction, I thought this was very curious, seemed that the Critic was somewhat curious as well? This prophecy together with the Official Portrait …?

  3. Pray for healing and a repentant heart for William and his family. May God give William ears to hear and eyes to see the true King. May the Holy Spirit move mightily on the United Kingdom returning the people to serving the living God and His Son Jesus Christ.

  4. Answer to prayer. Spot on. William and his dad are part of the 13 families and if we want the best for this nation and the commonwealth then we need a David, and that’s exactly what I’ve been praying for.

  5. Thank You Abba, for this anointed David, for the UNITED Kingdom!
    Let Your will be done and Your Kingdom come quickly here in the UNITED Kingdom in the Mighty Name of JESUS. Amen!
    Father, we pray for the FULL EXPOSURE of ALL the EVIL of these 13 families.
    Thank You for Your prophets and for giving us discernment in this hour through Your Holy Spirit.
    Thank You that Your plans for the UNITED Kingdom is good. Thank You that You are preparing us for Your end time alignment of nations.
    Lots of love and Shalom

  6. When Israel chose a king, God said that they were rejecting Him. 
    Feelings of dread when I saw that Charles was to represent the Queen at parliament. Was reminded of an interesting article I saw about the family on a Scottish Independence article. Please note that this is not a christian website.
    There was a definite change in the country after the death of Diana. An emotionalism and mass hysteria which had not been there before. I believe it changed the faith of the country too. I saw a programme which said that the day after her death, William had wanted to go to the church in Crathes.
    He has the heritage of christian faith in his family, but his father involved in the beliefs of a new age community in North East Scotland. I also read that his mother was involved in spiritualism & occult.
    I was hopeful he was seeking after God, but see he is increasingly caught up with the ‘environmental’ spirit/cult. Also setting up mental health charities, when the family is clearly a mess.
    Although the Queen clearly has a faith, I am reminded of the biblical instruction that ‘elder/leaders’ in Titus 1:6. ‘An elder must live a blameless life. He must be faithful to his wife, and his children must be believers who don’t have a reputation for being wild or rebellious’.

    • Charles is now king and William is heir to the throne. For Charles to ‘not last very long’ he either has to pass or abdicate – the lord hasn’t indicated clearly which! Make of that what you will.
      God bless you

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