HomeProphecyA Wave of Anguish — Enough is Enough!


A Wave of Anguish — Enough is Enough! — 12 Comments

  1. God bless you David. I am also after HIM to go after him and all goals are him. Thank you for encouragement love sis Sherry

  2. Praise God! I understand exactly what you’ve just shared my sister. You are incredible and I thank God for your life. John the Baptist is deemed as the greatest born of woman but we can be greater than John when we become the servant of all. And that is you my sister. You are one of the greatest person of our time. Shalom to you.

    • Sis thank you for your encouragement. I am glad the Lord has given you encouragement. But I am just a servant in bonds, giving all glory to God. Yes I praise HIM and want to be everything God has planned. Thank you sister for your ministry that has built me up and encouraged me today for today is a hard day.  I want my life to count, I want to die to the flesh there is nothing left in this life I want only HIM. God is great and greatly to be praise! Thanks again for your love and for blessing me….Please pray that I die daily and become what HE has ia plan. Give God all the glory! I love you and pray Gods will for you too! Love sis Sherry

    • Sister, please pray for ne as I have had more confirmation in other places, I am walking gently and humbly and patience. I am seeking God as to my mission purpose I want my life transparent like a fish bowl I am but a vessel and I so want to bring honor glory praise to the Lord God Almighty. It is my desire to be all things HE wants of me and I want him to increase so that I decrease in Jesus name. Sis please pray for me. Love, sis Sherry

  3. Treated like royalty growing up, then married into a family of narcissists that totally blindsided me.  Yep, I am now no longer agreeing to be treated as a dog.  No more crumbs.  I have a right to be seated at the Master’s table as a blood bought, full heir.  I will treat those people civilly, but my pearls will not be shared.

    • thank you for sharing this Grraymoo I am in agreement with your prayer and confession. I stand with you please stand with me too. Much Love, Sis Sherry

  4. Sis..I can surely identify with this…years ago in a church setting interacting with some very wealthy people and seeing all their so call blessings of riches I thought..I said to God that I felt I was handed the crumbs from under the table and they were handed the very best of things..
    .you see they thought I was wealthy also so treated me well at first…but then when I told them I lived in an RV park the tide turned…I was ignored like thin air.

    Treated like dirt..made fun of..etc..
    But then God showed me that I was actually handed the richest blessings and they were handed the crumbs under the table .
    .unlike them there was love in my heart
    .compassion…kindness…mercy and riches of the better kind.
    Take heart my sister we are truly blessed with the riches of His Glory that outshines them all

    • Joanne thank you for your experience and you feel to share what you went through. It makes me sad to see what you suffered. I just know that Christ lives in me and loves me. Thanks for your encouragement. Love sis Sherry

  5. Wowie! Hallelujah and congratulations!!!  Oh what a delicious wine you have become curated by the Vine Himself.
    A fellow former dog here, thank you Father for raising us up to sit at your table!

  6. Excellent word and so true!! I love that place of silent, quietness it is peaceful plus when u deaf I guess even better, lol. My goal is to please him. Thank u for a excellent word from the Lord

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