A Waterfall of Blessing
There is a new sound coming from the base and the foundation of The River of Life.
It is a blast of glory and the anointing is upon the water as it cascades over the rocks.
Quickly put your empty wine skin into the force and rapids of My blessing. Your wine skin will be filled with Living Water, and as you drink of this, you will thirst no more. It will sustain and hold you in times of travel through the desert regions, until you come across another Waterfall of Blessing.
I have placed many waterfalls within your life. They overflow and pour down from the Heavenly Realms. They sing, they dance and they praise Me.
Drink deep and listen very carefully, for the sound of the shofars shall blast and cause the nations to shake, till every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the Awesome and the great Almighty One.
You are My children, you will thirst no more. The waterfalls are flowing in your life, and you shall praise Me from the depths of your heart. I have ordained this pathway and provided this blessing to cause you to be filled and overflowing with My glory.
After painting this image,
Doug received the above prophetic Word.
~ Doug Patterson
Doug Patterson is a Prophetic Warrior and Seer, often painting the visions given him by the Lord. Doug ministers under an Apostolic Power Mantle resulting in Breakthrough, Healing and Restoration. His Ministry, Power Encounters, equips and activates the saints to greater works in the Kingdom of God. Doug and wife, Linda, are founders of Shekinah Restoration Centre and reside in Canada. (Doug Alexander Patterson 1950-2021)
I have been dreaming about waterfalls, rivers, oceans for the last quarter of the year. This prophecy is on point! Thank you for saying what I seen!
Amen! Than you so much man of God for these wonderful words. God bless you!