A Warning About Pride
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24.
“This is the end of the age and all you need to do is to seek My Face and place My Kingdom first above all else.
Examine your own heart as to why you do what you do. Are you doing things to be seen by man, having an ulterior motive, or is it from having a pure heart to serve My People and Me?
Many go through the motions of having a pure heart but only I can see the heart and those who are discerning can tell by the fruit.
Many start out right but if the enemy has an open door through pride then deception comes in and what is meant to build up My Kingdom ends up being what many use to build their own.
Many start out lifting up My Name but end up lifting up their own name building their own ministry wrapped around their own agenda.
And this is where you find many in sheep’s clothing who aren’t sheep at all but are wolves leading multitudes astray. Pride is all it takes to rob Me of My glory and to exalt your own self.
Beware that where pride lurks there will come a fall. Humble your self before My mighty Throne of Grace and I will lift you up in My Glory and My Presence will surround you with miracles that are of Me and true signs and wonders.
Put Me first and My Kingdom and all these things will be yours. You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.”
Father, I pray that You would expose anything that is not of You and is of the spirit of pride.
Make us a vessel that You can trust to carry Your glory in Jesus’ Name.
Make us people that are open and teachable to Your will and Your ways.
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
Thank you Yolanda. It is very easy to fall prey to the tiniest bit of pride. Especially for the baby Christian. These words from Father have hit a place in my heart and were much needed. Bless you.