A Wall has been Torn Down in the Spirit!
A wall has been torn down in the spirit, so step into the awesomeness of your God. Feel the tiny drops of the deep oil of anointing flowing down upon your crown, and all around your body.
I Am covering you with divine protection so that you may walk through anything, and everything, and come out unharmed and unscathed by the things of this world. You will hear Me even in those most difficult times because of the covering that I have poured upon you, so bask in it! My glory, My anointing, My very presence goes before you and surrounds you so that you may always have access, and apply everything that I have given you.
For I have given you everything that pertains to your life, your livelihood and the living of the days that you have ahead. I have given you everything, understand Me, everything! All you need to learn how to do is to walk in it, to receive it, to take it as your own and to live a life exemplary of My grace and My anointing that rests upon you. Then you will see the manifest presence of your God, every day of your life, for My glory will go before you as a shield and cover you as a rear guard.
There will not be an enemy that shall be able to touch or hinder you, you will be strong and do exploits in My name, for this is the day of your God, this is the day that I will be glorified in the midst of My people and My glory shall be given to you and you shall walk it out and live it out in every area of your life. Not just here in the midst of the anointing or the people of God but out there in the world where it is most needed.
My glory shall shine, My glory shall come forth, My glory shall cause wisdom and insight and witty inventions and creative ideas to come at that needed moment. My glory shall begin to expound, exclaim, and proclaim and go forth in My people’s lives. My glory shall be seen upon you like never before.
Because you have been on the Potter’s wheel and have yielded to My design and plan for you. It has not always been easy for you to do, but you have wanted to be pleasing to Me.
You accepted the pruning that was necessary to bring forth better fruit. Now you will be lifted high because you have stayed humble to Me. So this is the season and the time to rejoice and give Me glory, for more of My glory is being poured out upon you even now!
“Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit” John 15:2.
“Then I went down to the potter’s house, and behold, he was working at the wheel. And the vessel that he was making from clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he made it over, reworking it into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to make it” Jeremiah 18:3-4.
“You have loved righteousness [You have delighted in integrity, virtue, and uprightness in purpose, thought, and action] and You have hated lawlessness (injustice and iniquity). Therefore God, [even] Your God (Godhead), has anointed You with the oil of exultant joy and gladness above and beyond Your companions” Hebrews 1:9.
~ Debra Lowe
Pastor Debra Lowe has served The LORD for 39 years as a Prophet to the nation. She also walks in the office of teacher and is an intercessor using these gifts to minister to the body of Christ, teaching men, women and children to enter into His presence causing them to mature and be changed by His Word. As a servant of the Most High God she brings forth a word in due season to the body of Christ.
Ephesians 2:14 (KJV)
14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.