A Timely Post for America
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God has sent a prophetic message for 2025 — David Wilkerson
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A clip of the (late) Rev. David Wilkerson popped up online — and it brought back these memories.
I remember Pastor Wilkerson’s ministry. [He went to be with The LORD in 2011]. I saw a very humble, unpretentious man. He never called himself a prophet, but the things God had told him to preach 30, 40 yrs ago are in our news today. (He passed a decade or so ago). A true holiness preacher.
His books, ‘The Vision‘ and ‘America’s Last Call‘ written over 40 years ago, showed a nation on a downward spiral without a national Ninevah-like repentance. T here was a quiet somberness to his demeanor.
He didn’t strut or pontificate like many preachers — often seen on networks or pulpits in the 80s, 90s.
His was no happy-clappy feel-good messages, though the love and joy of God exploded in them. What he taught was not ‘gospel-light’, it was the real meat of the Word. Choices, consequences, callings, repentance. The whole Gospel.
He was a Pentecostal Preacher — and the gifts and charisma of Holy Spirit evidenced. But the delivery was mature, seasoned, no hype. He basically was a ‘weeping prophet’ in modern garb, there was always the echo of a weeping Jeremiah on him.
He would cry and wail almost for the Nation.
As he preached, you could feel the heart of God — the conviction was piercing. [This kind of anointing, I believe is rare and very costly].
More than once his life was threatened by gangs in New York —- but he kept preachin’ — God protected him. He was pastor of Times Square Church, had a true Watchman Calling.
Several times I drove and visited that Church in New York City back in early 90s, and that Church (a former theater in Times Square) seemed to have every ethnic group in New York in it.
I would read the mailings his Ministry sent out — it was a praise report weekly of new radical-for-Jesus converts.
From former prostitutes, drug-addicts, prisoners — to wealthy influential business types and famous Broadway actors — everyone wanted to go to Time Square Church, because they heard “God showed up there!” All true!
As I write this now — I’m wondering if The Glory of God showed up as powerfully as He did, because it was a pure work, and remained as such.
The pastors did not tolerate any flesh or any nonsense from stage (altar) to rows of seats (pews).
The Church was in a former big Broadway movie theater, yet the hush of His presence was there — Reverence!
The staff were true servants of God. There were hours of personal ministry, and we’re talking hundreds — if not thousands of people — so there were in-house ministry teams trained and taught.
But as I reflect — I recall there was:
1 : ORDER. No funny business. Sin from the top-down was not permitted.
Homosexuals could come and get saved, cleansed, helped. Same with the prostitutes who walked in off the street — no one had to coax them to give their life to The LORD.
There was an in-house (upstairs) bible school, food bank, practical supplies for the down-n’-outers. But no one in active sin or licentious behavior was allowed to minister, or teach there. There were protocols in place to protect God’s House, people.
Who knows how many ‘woke’ Churches there are in America today.
Sadly — they will never be filled with God — because they tolerate the spirit of Jezebel — (sexual sin, perversion) and ‘Leviathan’- (love of power and control), and ‘Mammon’ — (love of money).
2 : There are many good Churches that have a true fear of God. It wasn’t only in Times Square Church.
I just remember the worship was pure — it was like streams of liquid peace going over our heads.
Sometimes they just sang old hymns — with a great anointing on them. Some modern music.
But I remember him saying there had to be a ‘Peace and Holiness in the Worship’ — or The Holy Spirit wouldn’t remain.
I remember him saying that a lot of the heavy metal/ Christian rock that was so popular back then — was a demonic portal — and it wasn’t heavens sound.
(Not every Christian music group agreed with him, he knew that). He stuck to what God told him, and that is the best any of us can do: Follow the leader — Jesus!
3 : There was an “order” to everything. I remember one time hearing about someone in one of the rows who got up to shout out out a prophecy into the crowd during worship — the ‘ushers’ (Church workers- deacons, elders) … discreetly told that person that was a ‘no-no’.
If they kept going, they were asked to leave. Order!
4 : If bizarre or aberrant type of dancing or shouting [not in keeping with the flow/the rhythm of how The Holy Spirit was working]… the elders/ altar workers whispered in the ear for them to pray silently or not with loud bursts and screaming to disrupt the move of the Spirit. Or, politely leave if they didn’t respect the Church protocol.
All in all — I don’t know why The Holy Spirit is bringing this remembrance back to mind now — except to say that with this powerful glory drop that we KNOW is coming — and many unexpected things will probably be seen, I think The LORD wants those of us who are old enough (me) to remember – to PRAY NOW for “Order, Decency and Unity” in this Last Move of God.
Even in war (Israel versus enemy armies), Israels Kings and Generals still needed to know there was order in the ranks.
Everyone must fall in line to their assigned discipline, calling, mantle.
Everybody needs to be under authority, from the Pastor to the Prophet to the Teacher, to the Evangelist to the Worship Team to the one in the pew.
Every leader needs someone they can lean on!
Every single saint needs someone they can trust. We can’t do the end times alone — weren’t meant to.
And when no one is there- and you are alone — days, weeks, months, years on end — the voice of The Holy Spirit, within, is the one voice that never leaves.
I know His Voice like my own — and I know I would die, if I could not see and feel His Presence!
There is not one day — and not one night — when I don’t miss sharing my heart, sharing my life, getting wise counsel, receiving the love and wisdom I received from my sweet Ben.
My beloved Ben has been in glory since 2012 — and I hope he is interceding for me, for the Country he loved, for Israel.
The only one not needing to be under authority is The LORD Himself, as He is THE Authority.
God is still a God of peace and holiness.
Although I didn’t live in New York City, the times I went there with friends — what I saw — gave me perspective.
I learned that The Holy Spirit is a gentleman — and He is a God of Order — not chaos or carnal nonsense.
With the thousands who came to that Church every week — it was packed out to the balcony — there was still a stillness, a Holiness. It was clean. Worship was clean. No cacophonous sounds. Harmony!
No doubt the pastors and team prayed and fasted constantly to maintain that. Nothing that supernatural happens by accident!
The times I visited with my friends from Pennsylvania — my home state — we drove the few hours, excited, knowing that God was in the House. [Two of the single gals I rode with, had decided to become missionaries to the mountain peoples of Central America — trained by, then sent out. by Times Square Church].
Times Square Church birthed many missionaries and ministries — becasue it remained “a pure work” for The LORD!
5 : A pure work has Accountability. From top to bottom, in and out. Prayer covering. Follow-up.
The enemy always looks for in-roads – as his number one goal is to destroy Christ’s Church.
The devil remembers what he heard in Eden about what was coming to him.
Granted, when you have donations from thousands of people and hundreds of church workers, there’s more hands and dollars to do all this.
But what’s amazing is it all started with one man getting a Vision from The LORD, believing it, moving his family from comfortable Texas to New York City in the 80s. I think it all begins and ends with those two words, “Yes God”.
Only heaven knows how many thousands of lives have been impacted by this one man who said yes.
I can honestly say I never sensed any legalism, religious spirit, no control.
If you want Jesus — Come On In!
You’d see well dressed businessmen in suits, sitting next to, praying with the young party crowd.
It was said many prostitutes, drug addicts got saved, delivered there — became spirit-filled soul-winners.
Even New York City acknowledged that since the Church began — crime around Broadway dropped!
6 : Boundaries matter.
What I’ve learned is that boundaries matter — restraints matter.
[What we are seeing in America today is a land with no restraints. Not only is every sin and perversion permitted — it is now enshrined into law].
We have lost the ancient landmarks. Proverbs 22:28, Jeremiah 6:16, Proverbs 23:10. Are there any left?
In summary — I always felt like I was listening to a modern-day Jeremiah whenever I heard Wilkerson speak Book. So seeing this online today — took me back.
My, what must Wilkerson think about our Nation now, from Heaven’s Portals of Glory.
I’m sure he and other saints there — are crying out for this world.
Gives one pause….. Our only hope is Jesus. When The LORD returns — may He find our lives ‘a pure work’ in His sight.
~ Elizabeth Cassutto
Rev. Elizabeth Cassutto
Lightbeacon Ministries, Millsboro, Delaware.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Adrian for your comments.
Isn’t it interesting- that after 2 millenia of church history- the Church – still has issues w/ all the different ways He works in a generation. I mean, I’m a spirit-filled, tongue-talking, prophetic messianic person, who has no problems learning from and working with or relating to Catholics, Baptists, Prophetic-Apostolic, Messianic-jews, home-church leaders etc. We are all a part of the same Jesus. There is truth in ALL Holy Spirit does.
Yes – I know Wilkerson wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea. But the brand of holiness that was needed for a crime ridden, int’l city like NY which would send out missionaries into the whole earth – was orchestrated by Holy Spirit Himself. Not everyone – in every move of God – is going to sing, preach, teach, prophesy, or minister “just like us”. Prophets can get sidetracked into forgetting holiness and sound doctrine is necessary; diehard cessationists forget Holy Spirit is on earth and wants out of the cage “religion” put him in. Ppl need to stop seeing God thru their eyes only -Jesus is bigger than us.
Even the Apostle Paul recognized that when he had to separate from others in his missionary journey,it was Holy Spirit doing it to fulfill Heavens agenda. Even Peter and Paul couldn’t have been more different. Gifting and ministries are meant to complimented – NOT ‘competed’ against each other. Shalom
Lots of people will really dislike this post Elizabeth, but I believe God wanted you to write it.
In the section of the church that I learnt the prophetic from, Wilkerson’s beliefs as stated above would have made him public enemy number one. He would have been considered a control maniac with either no sensitivity or no care for things of the spirit. Churches would literally have been sealed off from him, even though they theoretically would have been in similar looking movements. His path must have been dreadful. A terrible burden to bear.
Thankyou for your words re Pastor David Wilkerson,as you say,such a man of integrity.When I was a young Christian,I wrote to him from N.Z pouring out my heart to him,re the situation at the time,and as busy as he was,he wrote back, saying he was praying,and encouraging me in what to do from Scripture.I still enjoy listening to his sermons.God bless you.
Correggo: ci parla attraverso I Suoi servi.
[ HKP : “I correct: He speaks to us through His servants.” ]
Ho cominciato molti anni fa a leggere i sermoni, tradotti in italiano, di David Wilkerson. Da lui ho imparato a conoscere la mente di Dio e il Suo cuore per noi; dai suoi insegnamenti ho capito com’è vicina e come opera la presenza di Dio nella nostra vita. Spesso i suoi sermoni mi hanno salvato in momenti molto difficili. Ringrazio Dio perché ci parla attraverso i Suoi servizi.
Grazie! Benedizioni♡
[ HKP : “Many years ago I began reading David Wilkerson’s sermons, translated into Italian. From him, I learned about God’s mind and His heart for us; from his teachings I understood how close and how God’s presence works in our lives. His sermons have often saved me in very difficult times. I thank God for speaking to us through His services. Thank you! Blessings♡” ]
Enjoyed reading post woman of God! ‘Order’ in principal and the prophetic should be our mission 1Cor. 14:40. It’s a reminder of re-building of the Temple Ezra 3:10-11 KJV some priests gave praise, but many wept Ezra 3:12-13 KJV bc it was not the glory they had experienced, and that is true for many today. Leadership in the Church. We can only imagine what it took to manage a church that size. The spirit of Jezebel positions in leadership w/the delusion of a prophetic gift…often attached demonic realm, will always defy true worship. Church of Thyatira Rev.2:18-29 KJV had b/come a ‘cult’ (groups) of idolatry and immorality (fornication) Not only in practice, but in a broader sense ‘prophetically’ as they were in union w/carnal/legalistic sacrifice Rev. 2:14-15 KJV – The battle over ‘where’ we worship John 4:19-20 KJV and ‘how’ we worship John 4:21-24 KJV – 1Cor. 6:15-17 KJV Pray Church!
To: mwillians-
Yes, you said it so well. Those scriptures you referenced show how the Lord, in His wisdom, balances it all out. Thank you.