A Time To Speak
The word of the LORD came expressly unto the prophet Ezekiel.
How did it come? The question must be asked again: Should our depth in the Spirit, and our Spiritual performance be less than those mighty men of old?
One might say, “Why should we ask that?” There is a lot of real opposition today, to what Christ wants to do with His church.
Many of us are going to be asked to do some things in this final hour, before His return. Things that others do not want done and do not wish to participate in.
We need to be confident, that this is what we are ordained to do. There must be real confirmation, backed up by the written word. And we already have that.
The supernatural things that Jesus and the apostles after Him did, were commissioned for us today also.
We who are called and chosen, must have a real relationship with God. Through the Holy Spirit and what has been written, there has been given to the church, a confirmed way of true communication with God, through His Son.
Many of us, will not stand, the way we are. There is a host of saints and ministers alike, who have not developed and proven, the gifts they were given. Perhaps, it may be a dire lack of exercise.
“Thou shalt say unto them, thus saith the LORD God.”
This kind of voice, as we know, has been suppressed. Never mind that. God has continued the work among those chosen, in HIs own way. The truth is, He was never suppressed.
The very idea that we mortals could forever hinder what God has called people to do in the church He set up, is without comment. Because judgment has not come quickly, many still try.
“Do not be afraid of them; neither be afraid of them or their words.”
Even though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions. Don’t be dismayed at their looks.
Here, is where depth lacks. Some will counter, that this was all spoken in the Old time; it does not apply to today. They have likely forgotten, that His word has always been alive. It spoke then, and in many ways, speaks quite clearly today.
Some will recall, that there was a time that this prophet was told by God, to go into his house, and stay there. He made his tongue to cleave to the roof of his mouth.
He was to remain silent, until God told him to speak. But God said, when it is time, you will speak whatever I tell you to. In today’s language, you tell them what I am saying, whether they listen, or don’t listen.
That in itself, is a tall task. Will the church hear now?
God said that His people were impudent children and that they were stiffed-necked. Oh, we have been. And those who dare speak out today, will face the same thing in our time now.
The challenge will be, if those who are speaking, can do it in love and true authority.
Actually, it no longer matters so much to those who have been approved. But now, He has encouraged those, not to be afraid. The Spirit, is behind them.
~ Robert Blackburn
Your message has encouraged me to keep on speaking to them whether they listen or not. Thank you again
Thank you for that very appropriate word.