A Time of Strengthening
“Be still and know that I AM God. Don’t come into My presence hastily, but dwell uninterrupted by the cares of the world.
Once you come before Me, just sit and wait peacefully without anything from the outside influence you.
Just rest in My secret place so that I can build you up and strengthen you with My encouraging words.
Do not let anything distract you. Just give Me your all, and wait and be still.
For this is the time and the hour where you must know Me intimately. You must be able to know how to come before Me at any moment no matter what is around you.
I want you to be able to come before Me, and dwell in My secret place in the midst of all the turmoil and chaos that is around you.
When danger lurks around you, draw close, My little ones. Run into My arms, and let Me hold you and strengthen you.
I want to build you up to be mighty warriors, but you cannot do it on your own. You need My presence, My grace and anointing upon you constantly. And the only way to obtain all that you need is by staying by My side and resting, waiting upon Me whenever you can.
Make use of every moment that you can to rest before Me for mighty is the battle ahead, and you must be ready for it.
So come before Me so that I can heal your heart from those things that have wounded you. Let Me bring to your memory anything you have suppressed of deep hurts, resentment, or unforgiveness that might hold you back.
For you need to be clean vessels so that My power and glory can flow freely through you. Let Me set you free from any doubts or fears with My perfect love.
Once you reach the point you must be in Me as clean vessels, keep your guard up for the enemy will want you back in his clutch. But don’t let him back in your thoughts, for the battle is won or lost in your mind.
Keep covered with My armor of light and love. Be filled this day with My grace and truth. Reach out to Me so I can fill you to overflowing with My Spirit, which is a mighty force field that the enemy can’t cross.
The same Spirit that raised My Son from the dead dwells in you.
Believe and receive My every promise made to you in My word for it is your Sword. Stand behind My faith, which protects your heart from the arrows sent from the evil one.
Pray unceasingly in the Spirit to stay built up. And rejoice for we have won the battle. You fight from the place of victory.
No matter what happens to your flesh, your spirit will soar in Me like the eagle. You dwell with Me high above all power and principality, and I AM sovereign ruler of all having control of every move of the evil one.
He has no rights of his own or power without My allowing it.
So rest in Me. If you are Mine, nothing can harm you or rob you of your inheritance. You are sons and daughters of the King, and My anointing of power rests upon you.
I anoint you now with My blessing of peace and prosperity. You will reign with Me throughout eternity. Keep your eyes focused ahead.
Do not turn back or look around for your full redemption awaits you where you will see Me face to face. Much more than you have imagined I have for you in My presence.
I want you to experience My fullness. Open up now so I can shield you with My love and glory.
Come running, My holy ones, for I love you so!”
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
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