HomeProphecyA Time for Serious Prayer — the Spirit of Saul Will Rise!


A Time for Serious Prayer — the Spirit of Saul Will Rise! — 2 Comments

  1. Very much praying for protection for President Trump. 

    Re Your Mention of the Spirit of “Saul”:

    The mention of Saul brought back a memory of a brief word from the Lord I had back in the 2008 Presidential campaign in the US.  Obama and John McCain were the candidates, and John McCain had Sarah Palin as his running mate for VP.

    I’m in the UK but was in a prayer group with a number of US Christian friends.  I was musing on the Presidential race and holding some thoughts before the Lord one day.  Quite clearly I heard him say …”There is a choice before the US now.  They can choose Saul, or they can choose Esther.” …  I shared with my friends what I felt the Lord had said and it witnessed with them, but unfortunately the US chose Obama (Saul).

    Now interestingly there have been quite a number of articles recently in the Daily Telegraph making mention of Obama being on manoeuvres behind the scenes trying to manipulate another more able candidate into the Presidential race for the Democrats, in view of Joe Biden’s marked cognitive decline having become very obvious to the world at large now.

    As the Lord has spoken to you about the need for serious prayer, as the spirit of Saul is about to rise, I remembered when the Lord referred to him as Saul when he spoke to me back in 2008, and he certainly is very active right now trying to influence the Democratic nomination according to the number of articles I’m reading about him and his manoeuvres.



    Serious times needing serious prayer.  Blessings.

  2. I have been praying and will continue to pray for President Trumps safety and his family’s.  God is in control and the enemy will be crushed.  We are not dealing with flesh and blood even tho the enemy wants it to look like it.  Praying for blinded eyes to be open and the truth and love of Jesus to set men free.

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