HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Please also pray for all the fires in Idaho as well as the fire men and home and people.
    Thank you.

  2. Veronica, thank you for praying for us. My request would for my 3 children come into the fullness of Christ Jesus and fulfill their calling. That I be made and fulfill everything he would have me do. Early this morning ( Midwest in USA) I was praying over your prophecy.  There came a time were even the air seemed to stand still.  I sat still and asked Lord what is it ? I heard nothing but yet something.  Just know your on our hearts and we cover you and family in prayer ❤️

  3. please pray that my three son will be saved and set free from drug abuse. there names are Sean Eric and Aaron. Thank you and God Bless you

  4. Please agree with me in prayer that my 2-year old grandson’s speech will develop and he will begin to talk and communicate with us.
    That anything hindering his development is bound in the name of Jesus.

    Thank you and God bless!

  5. Pray for my children and grandchildren for salvation and restoration, also my husband to walk in love
    and forgiveness not anger towards our kids.

  6. Healing for me and several of my family members. God knows my thoughts and intent of my heart. Thank you sister!

  7. Please pray for my family, that God would draw us closer together and for our health and financial resources. Pray that my daughter and son find direction and purpose in life. Protect my moms health. That the lord would open the eyes of people so that they can see the truth. That justice will prevail. Thank you.

    • Please pray for the salvation of my grandson. Please pray for both sons to find God’s purpose for them and yield to it. Thank the Father for all the blessings He has poured out on His believers

  8. Beliving for restoration in marriage – That those who are decieved by transgender and idenity are restored to there true idenity Christ Jesus- Healing for family members!!! All for Gods Glory-

  9. Thank u for going into the heavenly courts. please pray for this virus to weaken and dissappear.  we are losing so many friends and family but above all that this wicked world acknowledge our King and Saviour.  I have a unbelieving husband and I ask for the Lord’s supernaturally meeting with him so that he can believe in the Living Father and So

  10. I am praying for kingdom marriage and divine connections and my daughter Alexis and her 5 year old son jeriek for salvation .my name is hennifer montoya thank you and God Bless.

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