HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. What a blessing for you to pray. I need prayer in all areas healing (multiple sclerosis )finances(work) relationships and living situation. Many Blessings to you

  2. Please pray for my marriage to be healed and restored, that it would be a marriage that glorifies God.  That my husband will be healed from his wounds from his past, that Holy Spirit will transform my husband to be the man that He created him to be. And that our children and grandchildren would choose Jesus as their Savior and want to have a relationship with Christ. Also, please pray that God’s will for our lives be revealed to us. Blessings to you!❤️

  3. Thank you for the offer to pray…..Please pray that we personally feel God’s direction and guidance upon our lives.  For a lifting of great sadness and discouragement hanging over us for more than a decade. For inner peace to rain down upon my broken family. For miraculous physical, spiritual and emotional healing.  For financial breakthroughs….and please, Dear God, evidence of a breakthrough specifically for my husband’s job search and career…and for the revival of lost dreams and goals.  And in general…for California to shift its political energy and turn red, in Gods holy name!

  4. Please pray for my ankles continue to be swollen like eggs and legs strength and to be able to work as a nurse and financial needs bills over do needing miricles and for my destiny in the lord and money to move get a home of own for these attacks against my health and life to stop and health in order to loose weight seems stuck and for Robbie Rondale White to be set free of ungodly woman and for a full time job to open for him in Florida for our relationship to be healed and restored for his love for me to increase and stop with excuses for be our marriage to come fourth and for my son Brandon Tully has ignored me for many years and for a life changing event to get me up and over this mountain to be restored and jezabel defeated

  5. I work at a Christian school that is a discipleship school. It is our desire to teach our students how to stand on their faith in this world. We are under the covering of a church that has become very secularized and they are coming against us to the point that we sense it is the desire of the church leadership to shut us down. Please pray that the pastoral staff who is leading this charge be exposed and removed and that any opposition to our school from any member of the church staff be removed. Blessings.

  6. My wife to get pregnant despite the complications. Future employment for myself. To know the heart of God on these issues.

  7. Please pray for me to complete my assignment.  I am facing an attack on my heart and mind like never before.  For months. I see it, but I cannot move forward. I can’t explain it.  I was going like a house on fire and then, boom.  My thought life is derailed.  I know that it’s a lie, but I can’t move it.  Thank you and the Lord Bless you and increase you.

  8. Please pray for my husband. He was a victim of SRA growing up, and having many memories surface. He is also going through a medication change for his anxiety. This is all having a huge impact on our marriage and how he treats our kids and grandchildren. He loves the Lord and is Spirit filled. He needs deliverance. I need grace, mercy, wisdom, strength to walk through this with him.

  9. Please pray that we personally feel God’s direction and guidance upon our lives, and for a lifting of the great sadness and discouragement for more than a decade. For inner peace to rain down upon my broken family. For miraculous physical, spiritual and emotional healing.  For financial breakthroughs….and please, Dear God, evidence of a breakthrough specifically for my husband’s job search and career…and for the revival of lost dreams and goals.

  10. I would like to receive the holy ghost and speak in touges I want to feel his spirit. I love the Lord and want to be saved.

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