HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Please pray for my wife Ida de Wet. She got sick with different sicknesses one after the other since September 2020. She is 65 years of age. It seems to me these sicknesses are coming from her head (psychosomatic?)
    Since April 2012 tree men have prophesied at different gathering “complete healing” over Ida.
    I now war with these words prophesied over my wife by speaking it over her by laying my hand on her.
    Please pray for soon, sudden healing
    God had also our pastor prophesied over her that “I will visit you during the night and you will never be the same again”

    Thank you and
    May God bless you ultimately

  2. Our family has been utterly fractured do to the actions of one. So much pain! We need a miracle to ever come back together under one roof again. Too many other details to go into.  The enemy has attacked in so many sickening and cunning ways.  Only Yahweh can fix this. This person recently has been saved, and is totally repentant, but most will not forgive (christian family). Also, for complete healing of breast cancer. So many other needs, but Our Papa knows!

  3. Please pray that God will open the doors for me to move back to Florida and provide everything that is needed to do that finances,residence,and job. Also my 3 boys and grandchildren for healing, deliverence,and salvation. God’s prefect divine will for my life, I also need healing from a failed marriage that resulted in my husband committing aldultry. And for the countries restoration and bringing Donald Trump back in office thank you for your prayers ❤

  4. Please Pray for my sons and their families.  Eric, Brandon, Jamie, and Daniel.  That they turn their lives back to Christ and follow his ways.  Open their eyes to the selfish lives that have been living.  Pray for all my grandkids and great-grandkids.  Time is short they need to live for the Lord.  I have been very ill and going back to a specialist.  Pray for healing and the restoration of my health.  Let my sons she Christ through my illness.

  5. Please pray for all nations to be saved by our Lord God and that the evil are swallowed up by the fires in Hell. Please pray that my family is together and safe in God’s Hand. Bless You and Thank You Veronika ✝️✝️✝️

  6. 2 requests. My husband has been living with degenerative liver disease since early 1980’s. Doctors amazed he is still living and functioning as well as he does. Please pray for his complete healing. He is going downhill at a rapid pace. Also pray for me. I am 74 and am seeking the place God has for me in this spiritual Awakening. Prayer is important but believe so strongly that He has an additional place/action for me. An active role to accomplish.
    I have been so blessed, encouraged by your sharing what God tells you to tell us. It brings me Hope strength to know He is in control and His plan is unfolding. Peace as well. May God bless you beyond measure and supernaturally strengthen your body soul and spirit during this time. Again thank you.

  7. My heart is burdened for our country, the church and the nations. I feel God is calling me to do something, but I don’t know what. I know I can’t stay silent and obedient as the government infringes on our freedoms. I believe the prophets and had a few prophetic confirmation dreams. I need God’s wisdom, His direction, and His peace.i also need my prodigals to come home.

  8. We have girl at our church who is 18 years old. She had a brain aneurysm and we are asking God for a complete miracle from Him. Her name is Emily. The doctors are not giving much hope. But Our God is Bigger. Thank you for interceding with us on her behalf.

  9. Please pray for my husband to be on fire for God. He is lukewarm right now. He drinks too much as well. Also pray for a new job for him. He hasn’t had a raise in almost 10 years. His workplace is really bad. Also I need healing in my back and feet. Pray for my spine to straighten and align as it should. Pray that my feet are healed of plantar fasciitis. It is painful to walk walk or stand at times. Thank you.

  10. A prayer for financial blessings; good, decent health; for President Trump to be reinstated as the legal, rightful President of the United States of America; and for the evil to be stopped in its tracks and forever banished.

  11. Please pray for heart and back. But most important pray for my son Joshua he’s dealing in this black magic stuff and he needs Deliverance bad from it. And please pray for Tammy my niece she’s had like five back surgeries and she’s in so much pain now that she passes out. I know God could do it

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