HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Please pray for the health of myself and my family, especially my Grandson.  We have had our challenges like others.  Please pray for America and the World.  And I have been praying for two specific miracles that I know God will bless us with in His time!  Thank you for praying for us!

  2. may his will be done and wrap his protetive arms aroun his people the believers in CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST SANDRA SWEET AND SON ROGER CAUDILL AMEN

  3. Your words are ordained, I have always known your dream encounters were filled with His Presence. Thank you for answering the call to the prophetic. The enemy has charged in and has separated my family due to the sins of my son. Pray God’s gracious mercy and favor for my son, he needs healing and restoration. Divided the family falls

    • Praying for restoration and a united family in Jesus name.

      Every curse over your family be broken in the name of Jesus by the fire of the Holy Spirit and by the blood of Jesus Christ.

  4. My dear childhood friend just found murdered.  Pray for family.  She was saved.  Please pray for my prodigals to return

    • The Lord‘s wraparound presence be around them. His comfort and love to blanket the family. And I pray for you prodigals to return back to God to turn their faces back to their Savior, in Jesus name amen

  5. Please pray for my daughter.  She is 26.  Raised in church full of the Holy Ghost. She’s 26 and desperate for a husband.  She’s so discouraged and blaming God.  I’m praying so hard for her.  Please pray for the right Godly man to find her.

    • I pray the Lord to lead your daughter and her future husband to meet each other soon. I pray that every root of bitterness that she has in her heart towards God or towards anyone else be burned off with the fire of the Holy Spirit and be completely uprooted and destroyed. No bitterness no offense, and only love and peace to flow through her. I pray for divine encounters and also healing of her soul in Jesus name. And I also pray for the Lord to strengthen you as you continue to pray and intercede for your daughter, as I know how difficult that can be. The Lord shalom over you and your family in Jesus name amen

    • I pray that your mind body and soul are made whole and healed in Jesus name and that you receive everything that the Lord has for you amen

  6. Prayers for complete revelation of that which has been hidden, justice, tempered with mercy than can only come from our Father, complete restoration of our Fathers remnant, and a deep healing for the earth and all of God’s creation.  Gods blessings to you and yours Veronika.  Thank you.

  7. Please pray for me that I not miss the assignment that He has called me to. That I hear His voice clearly and obey quickly. Also for healing in my body of gastric reflux. Thank You!

  8. My family struggles with anxiety (that does not allow us to life on earth as Jesus intended). We need this supernaturally removed! Personally that God will direct and use me to help with the coming harvest/understanding the exposure coming. He has had me resting and not discipling others. I’m ready and my serving heart is getting restless.

  9. Please pray for my family. We have been under attack from every side for many years , maybe since 2007. My daughters have experience many physical ailments and some have affected daily life greatly. Also please pray against the spirit of fear, anxiety, loneliness & depression. We need prayer for financial breakthrough. We need to live in a home that isn’t falling apart. We desire to have godly friends and fellowship. We don’t have anyone but the Lord Jesus. Please pray for us to be restored beyond what we can imagine. Please pray that we would fulfill God’s calling on our lives and hear and see clearly from him alone.

    • I pray for complete restoration, protection, healing over you and your family in Jesus name. I apply the blood of Jesus Christ over you and your family and everything that you own. I feel that you need to go to deliverance and restoration ministry And have people pray over you and break curses and demonic assignments over your family. Your bloodline being restored and every curse being broken from your generational line all the way back to ADAM. Keep applying the blood of Jesus Christ. Bind the spirits of oppression, depression, fear, anxiety and every demonic spirit be bound in the name of Jesus Christ keep doing that every day

    • Praying that you and your family will endure until the end and be part of the remnant and walk in the glory in the fire of God. I desire the same thing for me and my family. In Jesus name amen

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