HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Please, pray for my health both physically and spiritually and also for my nation Guatemala to return to the right path.  Thanks you! God Bless you so much!

  2. Our family is under attack. My husband of 12 years (between the 2 of us from our previous marriage. We have 8 children 15-22 in age and 1 grandson 6 mos). May the Holy Spirit share with you what’s going on, as I can not share due to an current Investigation in process.
    My husband has been under attack with terrible dreams lately.
    My dad (74) is not doing well. In Vietnam war he was exposed to angent orange and has a lot of medical issues. Is currently waiting for a heart valve replacement,but battling infection or something (Dr. is not sure what’s going on) in his leg that is causing a lot of pain, he has COPD, neuropathy, diabetes (he had a triple bypass 3 years ago) he is really struggling with depression right now.

  3. Please pray for me that the spirit of fear that has plagued me most of my life goes…..and rejection//unworthiness

  4. Please pray for America, Europe, China , and all the countries where righteous people have been living watching the evil and wicked run unchecked. Please pray for healing, sick minds and sick bodies.
    Please pray for mighty acts that will make those who feel they are above the need for God fall on there faces and beg for mercy!
    Pray for the army of angels that travel with each of us to let our eyes see.
    I ask you to pray these prayers; I will also pray for you.

  5. Please pray for my health both physically and spiritually and also for my nation Guatemala to return to the right path.  Thanks you! God Bless you so much!

  6. healing for my son my 15 yro diagnosed type 1 diabetes in 2017. Believing for a new pancreas and restoration of all his cells to work as they should. Also a visitation from the Lord.

    I need to hear the Lord more clearly myself as well

  7. Please pray for ringing in my ears to stop and my husbands herniated discs in his neck to heal and also his diabetes to go away.. Thank you.

    • Please ask that God heal my daughters mental health and restore her mind to a balanced peaceful place. Remove the need for medication and remove the demons that have a hold on her.

  8. Please pray for Australia. I have been told that by September 17 that I won’t have a job in aged care because I and many others won’t take the vaccination. Bosses are ringing us and emailing us constantly to push us to take the jab. The Prime Minister is meant to be a Chrustian. The whole country is divided and people are living in fear. Many are so blinded by what really is going on.

  9. Dear sister, I only share prayer request because GOD placed it upon your heart and in your Spirit that you offer prayer to bring it to Heavenly Court. I humbly ask that you intercede for me that the 24/7/365 hidden but more than obvious torture by gang stalkers must be cut off from our (me and my family) and from all persecuted CHRIST-ians homes, cars, phones, computers and that GOD restores our human rights, freedom, dignity, health, jobs, finances and that we get back all that was stolen !!!

    • Prayed. Keep pleading and applying the blood of Jesus over your live and all your stuff. Find Joshua Giles on FB on fire minister and the 5 days of prayer and fasting we just did with his ministry …you can replay those 5 videos. They are absolutely on fire and will help you so much. Incredible. For protection and removing enemy’s attacks and curses.

  10. Veronica Made supplications for my beloved country GHANA for the LORD to remember His word spoken thru Prophet Chuck Pierce to us when he was sent to Ghana to decree and declare the purposes of the LORD concerning our rightful position and destiny. Psalm 126.

    Please declare Ghana is a sheep nation and that the Esther’s, Joseph’s Daniel s, Deborah’s etc of our time are arising and being position for the Kingdom’s agenda in Christ Jesus mighty name.

    Please kindly tell FATHER I am waiting regarding 18th & 19th April’ 9th Aug 2017 .


    God bless you.

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