HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Greetings Woman of God, my name is Joyce from South Africa Bloemfontein I’m 45yrs old. I’m need confirmation and direction from the Holy Spirit concerning my life and the calling of God and secondly there’s so much delay in our life as a family so please i need your prayers ❣️

  2. I am asking for agreement in prayer for a miracle in healing for my Fiancé Marco Garza. He has stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. The doctors say there is nothing they can do. I know the facts of what we face and some days I struggle but, I also know the truth and that is Jesus. And by His stripes we are healed.  I pray for God’s will to be done for His glory. Also, since he is unable to work right now financially things are a struggle. I pray for God’s provision so we are able to cover bills. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

  3. I too have been in such a season of waiting, being robbed at my rightful place at the church I’ve been out for the last three years the gates of hell trying to prevail. Making his people sad that he did not make sad taking mantels that don’t belong to them. I am asking that you pray that I dry bones come back alive again and hear the word of the Lord. I need deliverance immediately from a demon that got in my body through my head through my son seven years ago and no one in my church has been able to deliver me or even discern it. I need to take my rightful place and I need Jezebel to be thrown over the balcony. I need to be set on fire again for the Lord and be able to worship him again and my broken heart was shattered healed. He’s been telling me to wake up from my slumber so I pray that he will wake me to New Life. Thank you and God bless

    • Please take this request to the courts for me. My condition seems to be getting worst than better. Battling cancer for 10 years and need a miracle really bad.I am in so much pain even pain pills are not working I need healing and I don’t know what else to do. Please pray for me.  Thank you

  4. I have been under such assault from the enemy who has been trying to wear me out and take me down with one thing after another for quite some time now. I have been in such a season of waiting. I woke up with double vision last Saturday that developed into extreme eye pain and migraine. Diagnosed with a very rare eye inflammation which I was put on steroids for. The pain has subsided, but I still can’t see straight which makes it very hard to function. I know the Lord will bring me through this. I am also looking for the spiritual lesson in this as well I’m looking to see what good God plans to bring it out of what the enemy has meant for my harm. We need breakthrough in so many areas- finances as well. God knows the whole story, But above all I just want him in the closeness of his presence and to be with him. If he rains all the money down in the world and heels my eyes without a renewed sense of his presence and glory in my life it is all for nothing. I have always had such strong faith and the Lord has used me in many ways and the enemy is trying to steal this from me and many other believers as well at this time. He has been trying to wear us down and take us out. God is wanting to not only ROAR over us, but also through us. The enemy has been trying to steal our roar.
    I am using text to speak so hopefully this came out correctly

  5. Liebe Veronika, vielen Dank für Deine Informationen zum geistlichen Geschehen. Es ist ein wunderbarer Segen. Bitte bitte den Heiligen Geist um Weisungen für Deutschland.
    Viele liebe Grüße,

    [ HKP Admin : Google Translate : “Dear Veronika, thank you very much for your information on spiritual events. It’s a wonderful blessing. Please ask the Holy Spirit for instructions for Germany.
    Many greetings, Gerhard ” ]

  6. I request prayer for my son Brian that suffers with schizoaffective disorder with depression and husband Steve that suffers from PTSD from military experience. Pray for complete healing!!

  7. For my marriage and kids
    Healing and restoration. My husband name is Adán (I’m María) I think my husband doesn’t love me anymore, he expressed he’s attracted to other women.
    my oldest son Adam delivering from drugs and anger, my daughter Elaine delivered from depression, anger and healing of her thoughts. And the youngest Adriel.
    I started a small Hispanic group and since I been having a lot of attacks. The problems with my husband make thing I should leave the group.

  8. Dearest Veronika, Please pray for our Community Duluth,MN and God’s kingdom governance to be established here. Our area has been prophesied over for decades as a place of significance in this time. We hope to host you here someday to witness what God has done. Duluth means “Gateway of Open Door to Communication”. Thank you for your faithfulness and diligence in your ministry and life. You are a gem.
    Love and appreciation, Tom

  9. Father, I give every person requesting prayer to the Standard raised up in the form of the Power of the Completed Work of the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pour into their lives, from the lowest earthly regions to above the heavens, back to the Garden and to the finished land, in the Spirit and in the natural, the Power of the Blood, Body, Living Water, and Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ freely given for us. I decree and declare in the Name of Yeshua/Yaweh, as a result of Your Pure Beautiful Sacrifice Lord Jesus, the Truth has Completely set us Free, we are Completely Free Indeed!!
    Thank You Lord for turning these, and every test, into a testimony of the Power of Your Love and Faithfulness.
    I decree and declare, thanking You Lord, that You have pulled it off perfectly.

  10. Asking you to pray with me for the salvation, healing, deliverance of family and everyone I have talked toAlso that the Lord will make me a soul winner ✝️Salvation of the sinners

  11. Father, I thank You for Veronica Father, I pray for great Wisdom, Guidance, and Discernment in this hour.
    I apply the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God as a Dome over her and her family right now, as well as the UK and The US Father. I declare Your protection in the form of the Standard of Your Presence as a Wall of Fire to surround her and her family and receive the Glory poured upon them in the midst.
    In the Name of Yeshua/Yaweh

  12. For me and my husband –
    To hear and know God more. Provision and health in our senior years. House repaired and paid off. Thank you, Veronica!

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