HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Please pray for my granddaughter. She is 2 1/2 and on a feeding tube. She is a miracle. Survived 2 open heart surgeries by the time she was 10 months old and soooo much more. By the grace of God she is doing great. It’s time for her to be completely healed and walk in the fullness of all Jesus paid for us on the cross. ❤️ Her name is Moxley❤️

    Thank you precious warrior for the Most High❤️

  2. PLease pray for my marriage, my husband and me…. especially me… I am very very unhappy. I am Not content in this marriage. We just got married last Sept…. Thank you. God bless

  3. Hi Veronica

    Please pray for me. I have two request. One is, I’m really struggling to go deeper in prayer and that’s what I really really need right now. It’s bothering me I really need to push through and I need help.secondly, a financial breakthrough. Thank you and the Lord refresh you.

  4. Hi Veronika.

    Please, pray for us, our families, our friends, and for those that are not friendly (or not friends), but are (or will be — but they are chosen from the beginning of the times to be Yours) of Christ.

    Father, we believe and wait in your mercy; Christ himself, our hope.

    Blessings for you (even more) and for all.

    • This is good. An even better relationship with Him. To work for Him (and for all) even better.
      I ‘extend’ this prayer for all.

      I pray (with all) for all that made a request here (some even urgently requests — i read some). Please Father, in the name of Yausha (Christ), give then the mercies that they request. Some, even requested one thing for themselves, but only for the people that their hearts are afflicted for Your care and relationship, to also have better relationship with others, being a light, that always came from You, Your light source for us, Christ; Your Glory and our Glory (in Him we have redemption).

  5. Please pray for healing, deliverance, and provision to come to my household. It’s been several years now and breakthrough is desperately needed .Thank you for your prayers!

  6. Please prayer for my husband. The doctors are saying that he will lose 2 or 3 of his toes due to circulation problems. Please agree with me for total healing
    Thank you

  7. Please remember my family in your prayers as well.  Pray we will have courage to run towards the battle like David ran towards Goliath with faith in our Almighty God.

  8. I need prayers, please, for healing of everything ( health, parents, situations, job, etc ),
    urgent help to end the debt, financial breakthrough, to have enough of resources always to take care of all needs, blessings and abundance for everyone who prayed, wished well or helped me, opening of doors for me, opening of dreams, turnarounds, positive change, fulfillment of dreams and hopes, restoration and peace, God’s Will and freedom for our country and people, healing, revival, restoration, salvation, wisdom, prosperity and peace. As in Heaven, so on Earth, for whole Earth, nations, animals and nature. Thank you! Many Blessings to you! ❤

  9. Please pray for me and all my family, that we have the health, strength, and desire to wholly give ourselves to the Lord’s service!  Thank you!

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