HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. My sister in law had early onset Alzimers at 54 yrs old. Pray for successful transition to memory care center. Pray my brother adjusts as well – that a hedge pf protection surrounds him from uninvited advise and questions from friends. He needs peace, rest and relief. TY

  2. Pray that I get to fully know and understand my God given purpose and how to divinely and efficiently fulfill it. I pray for wisdom, knowledge and discernment, most of all courage, strength and obedience to His will, may the Almighty guide you through it all. Be blessed

  3. Please pray that I will enter into the intimacy that I desire with the Lord & especially that He desires with me and that my husband will experience that same intimacy. Also pray for guidance concerning His plans for our future. Thanks!!

  4. Each true believer has a personal relationship with the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. This relationship, based on faith in Him, needs to be cultivated, so that it is spiritually unhealthy to be distracted from this by seeking prayer answers through the help of an intermediary other, like a pastor, prophet or priest. [This does not mean that we can’t pray for each other.] The role of elders and members of the five-fold ministry is to encourage believers to depend on Him alone and not on themselves, since ultimately we will not be able to depend on anyone other than Him.

  5. Thankyou! Prayer request- AJ would surrender his life to Christ. His flesh would die and he would have an encounter with the Lord almighty that changes him to THE MAN God has called him to be.  7 years ago this season of autumn , this young man God wrote on my heart, that he would be a man of favor and miracles. The enemy has battled hard, because the weight of who God is making him to be in him, is huge for Gods glory.  I pray my daughter would see this situation with AJ with the eyes of the father, as this is who God says is the man for her. It is the 7 year release and the year of jubilee this September

  6. Please pray for my girls. For Gods healing hand upon them and for this new year in school. Pray that they will always put God 1st. Also, pray for my dad who has Parkinson’s and for my mom who takes care of him.

  7. Let’s all storm the Court Room of Heaven for these two days.
    Let’s all cry out before the Throne of our Abba Father.
    It always moves His Heart.
    I am going to join you Veronica.

  8. Pray that Holy Spirit will guide me in ministry and increase dreams visions our worship ministry and show me how to undergird my Pastor. My husband and I need healing, George needs a new heart valve and blockages removed. I need fully body healing of connective tissue and autoimmune disease and healing for my son. Salvation for Jane, MJ, my brother, Ryan, Lynette and Beverly. Total finances for OHOP and that Holy Spirit will find Joel and send my daughter to me.

  9. Thank you for this blessed opportunity. I ask to be strengthened in my spiritual walk and be financially debt free as it is a burden in my spiritual walk.
    Grace and Peace be with you and stay blessed

  10. Please pray that I can go deeper and closer in relationship with the Lord God and that His blessing continue to pour out on my and my family. Also, to find a Godly friend that wants to grow and draw closer to the Lord.

  11. Praying for a restoration of the fear of the Lord for me, family, friends, body of Messiah, communities, state, nation, and the nations! “The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.” “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever . . . ” “Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

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