HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

  1. Thank you and BIG BLESSINGS to you.. please pray for Beni Johnson, Bill’s wife from Bethel Church in Redding, CA,, dealing w/cancer. Tony Hill also dealing w/cancer. And for complete restoration of my health and relationship with my sons. Thank you again, Jennifer Allen

  2. Since 2014,I worked at a sonic.cleaning the parking lot,I got overheated.the Lird showed me I had a heat stroke.since that event,i,I, list have the strength in my body.i get tired very easily.pray the the Lord renew my strength.

  3. I need prayers, please, for healing of everything ( health, parents, situations, job, etc ), urgent help to end the debt, financial breakthrough, to have enough of resources always to take care of all needs, blessings and abundance for everyone who prayed, wished well or helped me, opening of doors for me, opening of dreams, turnarounds, positive change, fulfillment of dreams and hopes, restoration and peace, God’s Will and freedom for our country and people, healing, revival, restoration, salvation, wisdom, prosperity and peace. As in Heaven, so on Earth, for whole Earth, nations, animals and nature. Thank you! Many Blessings to you! ❤

  4. Please pray for my sister Rosa, for strength, peace and deliverance of stress. She has one son and he is gay.He is rude and mean with her because she doesn’t agree with his life style. He was paying her phone bill and had her change to her name. She does’t get very much from Social Security and i believe she is struggling financially. She is here with me now, in a few days she will go back to Reno Nevada where she rents a room. She is all over the place. She isn’t settled nowhere. Pray God’s protection over her life that she will calm down and straighten her life and have peace.That God will provide for all her needs in Jesus name. Thank you

  5. I need prayers, please, for healing of everything ( health, parents, situations, job, etc ), urgent help to end the debt, financial breakthrough, to have enough of resources always to take care of all needs, blessings and abundance for everyone who prayed, wished well or helped me, opening of doors for me, opening of dreams, turnarounds, positive change, fulfillment of dreams and hopes, restoration and peace, God’s Will and freedom for our country and people, healing, revival, restoration, salvation, wisdom, prosperity and peace. Like in Heaven so on Earth for whole Earth, nations, animals and nature. Thank you! Many Blessings to you! ❤

  6. Veronika, please pray that God will give my husband Bart direction with job choice.  I also ask you to pray that God will show me the path I am supposed to walk.  I desire that my life is a light unto those who do not know God and are searching.

  7. My prayer request is to be led of the Lord at this time and hear His voice and receive greater understanding of His word. I also want to continue to be delivered of fear & anything that is hindering me in being able to fulfill the will of God. I also ask for protection & healing for my 2 sisters, they took the vaccine and I’m praying God protects them.

  8. Would appreciate prayer, had a stroke & am paralyzed on my right side. Want to walk again & have use of my right arm & hand. Believing God for my miracle. Thank you.

  9. Thank you.  Prayer focus and an intercessor’s heart it is developing.  Family destruction happened and loss of home.  I will be depending on children for my retirement unless a certain fund is released.  Spiritual BREAKTHRU followed by Financial recovery and debt cancellation.  It is going to be so glorious the unfolding I believe.  I love your heart to ask.  Praying with you for all these dear ones.

  10. Please pray that my period of struggle be released. It has been a long time. I pray my husband with dementia be taken into heaven. Life for us both is difficult. My heart is heavy, I have prayed and asked God to guide me to pray the right prayers. I feel like this is the dark night of the soul… and I do not want to give up. I want a breakthrough.

  11. My husband and I need our home to sell. We will then be debt free & moving to another state. We are believing God is going to tell us exactly where he wants us & what He has for us to do. We are both claiming healing because HE is Jehovah Rapha!

  12. Please pray for direction for me and for divine connections.Please also pray for a friend of mine Dave who is in the gay life and can tell he wants out and god is moving in his life and speaking but enemy is causing alot of chaos and attacks on him and me as he has asked me to speak what he says and i have,The holy spirit is drawing him but its creating alot of problems.Thankyou

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