HomeProphecyA Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place


A Supernatural Shift Must Now Take Place — 288 Comments

    • Binding Parkinson’s in Jesus name! Jesus said what whatever bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.
      plead the blood of Jesus over your family

  1. God bless you Veronika. Please pray for my family and loved ones to fully be able to walk in their kingdom purposes and not shrink away from fear or get off track by lies of the enemy.

  2. Prayer for California that Governor Newsom truly gets recalled and that we get the Governor Father God truly wants us to have here.
    That my oldest son and all my nieces and nephews and siblings and their spousees and families receive/have Jesus in their hearts.
    To help myself to be strong and courageous. Also for physical Divine healing in my body. For Israel, Jerusalem America, all the World to open up to Yeshua Our Lord and Savior in Jesus Holy Name.
    God Bless you Prophetess and Thank you.✝️

  3. Please pray for Germany and the German Church which is so dead mostly and has not seen Revival since a long time.
    For our family to breakthrough from all that hinders since decades and come into our real calling.

  4. Pray for America, too remove this fake,, false, lying administration and bring back Gods anointed one, the rightful President, Donald J Trump, who had the election stolen by the evil cabal.! Pray God pour out His Divine exposure and justice upon this evil cabal that are promoting murdering of babies through abortion, hold them accountable for this !!! Hold them accountable for the stealing of this election! God pour out your mercy and grace upon America, being us back to You!!!

  5. Kindly pray against the vaccine passport as the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness of it please. Please pray against illegal laws. Thank You

  6. Hi Veronika.

    Please, pray for us, our families, our friends, and for those that are not friendly (or friends), but are (or will be) of Christ.

    Father, we believe and wait in your mercy; Christ himself, our hope.

    Blessings for you and for all.

  7. Please lift up Australia in prayer as the agenda rolls out to keep us locked up, forced to choose between a job/freedom/anything and a poisoned jab and now vaccine passports to travel in our own country, let alone out of the country. The state governments are illegally running their own kingdoms and our federal government has ignored our Constitution while calling in police and the army against our citizens. There is a diabolical plan playing out – but God!

    • I just posted a similar message on her Facebook page. I cannot believe this is our country. Do you know there is a call to prayer organized for 7pm every night by Nate & Christy Johnson and Chelsea Hagen. I’ve been doing it for over a week. tell all your friends about it so they can pray too. We desperately need a miracle. Lynette

    • Thank you! I pray that my entire family and loved ones will fully wake up to the their kingdom purpose and not shrink back or get diverted because of fear and counterfeit words. God bless you Veronika.

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