A Spiritual Battle or Not?
“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job 3:25.
Recently I was speaking to someone, and this person declared that a severe spiritual battle was coming my way.
I of course mentioned that I have continued to face these types of things over the years. We all do, in one way or another, and certainly some are more difficult than others.
Here’s the thing: If I’m continually dwelling upon, or concerned about an imminent spiritual battle, then I’m always on the guard.
I may also be so concerned that I’m fearful of something around any corner.
Don’t misunderstand me, of course one should be prepared and alert and perceptive, of the enemy’s tactics.
They are very subtle and crafty. When a person is spiritually sensitive they develop an awareness and readiness, but it can also be a detriment.
What I mean here is that being so overly alert and ready can prevent a person from just simply enjoying life.
Certainly we shouldn’t begin to pick up our rose-colored glasses again We don’t live in a world of jumping unicorns and candied hills. We aren’t to be naïve.
But let’s face it; our world is filled with deceit and questionable practices all around us. There are catches in every clause we sign the dotted line on.
Our world is a complex place to live, and the intensity of this truth seems to slap us in the face almost every day. We need to verify this or that, just to prove who we are it seems.
The entire “AI Revolution” is a driving force that can seemingly transport us into a robotic world not unknown to the likes of Rod Serling. The Twilight Zone and Night Gallery episodes may well find themselves in our everyday lives.
So we certainly should be ready for those attacks that certainly will come our way. I know of the potential areas that the enemy will attempt to attack me on.
I’m aware of them, and yet they could come at any moment when I’m not ready. But we still need to live our lives and to be able to be at peace within ourselves, in spite of the constant immanent attacks that come our way.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen is a full-time Artist of original architectural, landscape, portrait, still-life and spiritual oil paintings, available at StephenHansonArtist.com
Matthew 6:34
So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Thank you for this word, Bro. Hanson. People tend to forget that God has not given us a spirit if fear, but love, power, and a sound mind. Sometimes I think when those that prophesy such things, the description is coming from their own emotions. I have always had a concern about someone having a fearful mind-set about evil spirits, when we have been given all power over the enemy (Luke 10:19). God has equipped us with His Spirit, and nothing by any means shall hurt us In Jesus’Name. Amen.
Very true. Thank you. I also believe many people tend to describe everyday hardships as “spiritual battles” and the “enemy preventing us from…”. Sometimes, a headache is just a headache. Sometimes a flat tire is just a flat tire. Things happen in life, we will have hardships. Not everything is from the enemy. Some are just life. They way God created it for us, to learn some valuable lessons like patients, understanding, empathy, sympathy, etc.
When Jesus calmed the storm, He didn’t rebuke Satan or said it’s from the enemy. When He was tired of the crowds around Him, He didn’t say it’s Satan’s fault or an attack on Him. He was just tired of the people and all the work He had to do and the repetitiveness of it all.
Life is hard, not everything is an attack.