HomeProphecyA Silent Heart


A Silent Heart — 9 Comments

    • Marc, Indeed there is so much power in silence. I often am uncomfortable when I am seeking HIM with my whole heart and HE is silent. I used to think there was a problem but I have learned many times, HE wants me to enjoy HIS presence in stillness to quiet my heart. As you said, it is PEACE that passes understanding. In HIS presence there is blessed assurance. Thank you…thank you, my friend. Sandi

  1. AMEN!! Lord thank YOU for silencing our heart in this hour- For as a man thinks in his heart- so is he! Let us NOT continue to take Satan’s bait- producing fear, worry, anger, impatience and constant struggles, that the enemy uses to give birth to total anxiety and hopelessness. This we know, will and can suck the Very life out of a person- ALL Of which is Not of GOD! HE WILL KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACE WHOSE MIND IS STAYED ON HIM!!☝

    • Thanks! About a month ago He lead me to the Revelation chapters on overcoming. Do again the first works/ first love etc…and He allowed me to get fed up with reading and writing about all that the enemy is doing…I deleted my blog. And also i deleted my fb account..whatsapp and snapchat…i tried to re join fb and it wont allow me to! Wont send the log in code at all…tho it says it has. Haha. Weaning me off poison.

    • Mary Mary, In the safety of His silent presence, there is perfect peace that cannot be found any other place. To GOD be the glory! BLessings to you, Sandi

    • My friend, Joyce, you have been on my mind so very much. I have been so pre-occupied with trying to get settled and write. Your heart for the Lord is so very contagious to all of us. I thank God for you, my dear sister. xoxo Sandi

    • You are very welcome, Janice. It is so true silence does steady our heart. As we meditate in silence, His very character of all HE is penetrates our heart. God bless you also! Sandi

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