A Serious Word on Our Evangelism
Jesus states, all around you are people going to hell and asks what are YOU doing about it?
“Do you love the lost, as the Father loves them?
Do you cry over their going to hell?
Do you tell them what I have done for them, when you have an opportunity?
Do you demonstrate My Authority of the Kingdom, so they see I AM real?
What are you willing to pay to see a person saved from Hell?
What are you willing to do to present the Gospel to them?
What will you say to Me when I asked you about these things after you die and face Me?
You must be ready to explain to everyone what you believe in!
Can you explain it to them?
Do you know what My Gospel is?
Do you know what the Gospel of the Kingdom is?
How can you say you are My Follower, if you do not know or do these things?
How will you explain to Me, why you did not do them?
If you have My Love, you will love others as I love them.
I have given you My Spirit to teach you and guide you and I bring people to help you in these things.
So you have no excuse!
Disobedience, laziness and unrepented sinning will send you to hell and you are there a long time.
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: salvettina@bigpond.com if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.