A Season of Separation
In one of the last prophetic videos I did in 2016, I spoke on how the LORD told me to “Watch for the rise of the woman.”
At the time, I didn’t understand all of what He meant, and even talked about how I did some research, and was shocked to find how many women ruled in other countries.
I even attributed it to the possibility of Hillary Clinton winning the election (which she didn’t).
So I found it interesting to hear that 2017 was declared “The Year of The Woman.”
The LORD said to me (in 2016), that just as His Bride was being prepared for His return, Satan also has his counterfeit who is the whore (spiritually).
In January of 2017, I went away for several days to fast and pray, and while I was away, the LORD spoke and said that the apostate church would begin to reveal itself.
We saw this manifest through many headlines and events that took place last year that I don’t need to outline here (do your own research).
Now the LORD is saying that we’re entering into a season of separation. It has already been done in the spirit realm, and will now manifest in the natural.
This is not a season of negotiation.
In order for God to complete what He begun in us, we must first come to the end of ourselves.
This is the season of all or nothing.
You cannot serve two gods. Either you are for Him, meaning that you are willing to leave it ALL behind (people, past, and possessions), including nailing your will to the cross, or you are against Him and will receive the reward of this life, but will be stripped of the next.
The Jacobs and Esaus will become apparent.
Shabbat Shalom
~ Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
Mena Lee Jones of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries operates in the office of a prophet, ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ’s eternal love. Her purpose is to bring His {Jesus Christ} truth and light to a lost generation.
Lovely Words! Amen