HomeProphecyA Season and Harvest of Tremendous Joy!


A Season and Harvest of Tremendous Joy! — 3 Comments

  1. AMEN! WOW, speaks volumes to me. This is pure, Holy and true. All glory to God. Thank you for posting this, as anytime I read a post from this Prophet the Holy Spirit is all over the Word! Truly a rare one for such a time as this. The articulation just takes the reader on a deep journey right into the vision. What generous obedience. Thank you.

  2. Dearest sister Angela Hollenbeck

    My spirit just leaped as i walked thru what you have writtenby the spirit of the Lord to His Bride

    I wept and lay at His feet some of this is now happening

    this is truly deep unto deep His Holy Remnant leaning on our beloved thank you for who you are and your obedience unto Him, this so so blessed me and resonated within my whole being.

    we live and move and have our being innnn HIM
    Glory Glory to Jesus

    The fullness of time has finally come
    with much agape love from one of many forerunners