In this hour, the Spirit of the Lord is calling out, reaching out, speaking to those who have ears to hear. This is the hour of separation. God is calling out to a generation ready to hear. Can you sense His voice speaking to you? Can you sense His Spirit drawing you near? For now is the time of decision. Some of you reading this even sense the Lord is calling you to a DEEPER place in Him.
In the realm of the Spirit, I sense the Spirit of God is raising up and calling out to a generation that is single hearted in their devotion to the Lord. A generation that is HUNGRY for the LIVING GOD. A generation of men and women, young and old alike, who will NOT SETTLE in a POSITION of COMPLACENCY, but will PASSIONATELY PURSUE the LORD with everything they’ve got!
They will SEEK after God and will not settle until they FIND HIM. God is STIRRING up hearts, even NOW! It is time to be rid of the distractions and be DEVOTED to the ONE who has CALLED us!
If there was ever a TIME to STOP compromising and walking in willful sin, NOW is the TIME! What TIME is there to WASTE? For the LORD is RAISING up a ROYAL REMNANT.
He is raising up a faithful ROYAL PRIESTHOOD that will take their place in the KINGDOM of GOD. They will assume their POSTS and ASSIGNMENTS given them by the Lord and they will not be easily moved. They will take their PURPOSE and PLACE in GOD seriously. Are we willing to be a part of the FAITHFUL FEW?
In this time and season the Lord is desiring to break religious strongholds and molds made by men within the house of God. It is time to break out of what we have grown accustomed to and to MAKE ROOM for what the Spirit of the Living God desires to do in this hour. It is also time for the people of God who have been lingering around the borders of God’s Kingdom to step fully into their specific callings and tasks from the Lord. The LORD is LOOKING for a ROYAL REMNANT who will not be after the praises of men but of the true praise and approval that only comes from the Lord.
My dear brothers and sisters it is time to get HUNGRY for the PRESENCE of GOD! Now is the TIME to stop SETTLING for the LESSER THINGS and go after our GREAT GOD and all He has planned for us to do and be. Now is the time to go to the SECRET PLACE, CLOSE the DOOR, and SEEK the FACE of GOD! May each one of us be counted in the Lord’s ROYAL REMNANT!
“For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few,” Matthew 7:14.
~ Kevin Stevens