A Royal Gathering in the Heavens!
The season of divine shifts, sharp turns and supernatural suddenlies in the heavens and on the earth!
This morning as I was spending time with the Father, He has continued to download more revelation to me concerning a season of divine shifts, supernatural suddenlies and sharp turns in 2017.
It is both humbling, exciting and yet sobering as I sit and listen and watch what is about to unfold for both the believer and the unbeliever in the days ahead.
“Get ready for a new Kingdom reality is being birthed upon the earth in this season!”
The Spirit of God is going to move quickly, suddenly, sharply, unexpectedly and without warning in the days ahead.
Again today He quickened His word to me this morning that says, “Be ready in and out of season!”
Today the Spirit of God revealed to me that He is calling another one of His beloved prophets home! Yes! It will be another suddenly and without warning!
I heard the Spirit say, “Daughter, but fear not for even as there is a divine shift and a royal gathering in the heavens, so there shall be a divine shift and a royal gathering upon the earth.
My hand is now moving and shifting, moving and shifting!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Changing of the guard.