A Prophecy to The Nations
This Word is more powerful when heard spoken.
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Transcription by His Kingdom Prophecy:
“January 16th. I really felt a bubbling up of The Word of The LORD and the last hour.
He said, “Release the Word. Release My Voice. Release. Prophesy to the nations!”
So, I prophesy to the nations. I prophesy to the nations, to come into alignment. To come into alignment with the Perfect Will of God.
I prophesy that the four winds — the four corners of the earth — that they will blow and they will blow and they will stir up — they will stir up, stir up the Word of The LORD in this hour in your prophets God.
Woe God, we pray that whirlwinds, the whirlwinds of The LORD, the tornadoes of The LORD shall blow. And it shall blow all the debris, all the dirt out of place.
It will expose the works of the enemy. And, it will uproot and destroy the works of the enemy.
“Will I not only expose, but I say, My People, ‘Pray to uproot, expose and destroy the works of the enemy.’ For too long the enemy has been exposed, but it has been covered up again.
So I say, Destroy! Destroy! Destroy in the spirit the works of the enemy and the works of the flesh.”
He said,”Let everything in your life be open and exposed for The LORD to reveal to you what needs to be healed. To, like and open wound, will I not expose, but I will heal, for I am sending a healing balm to you, and to your nation, and to the world.
America, get ready! Get ready! I AM about to something that you cannot even imagine.
So prophesy! Prophesy to the nations. Oh My People, do not lose hope. Come before Me in Repentance.
Come before me bare and naked and I will clothe you with a Robe of pure Righteousness.
I will set a Crown of Splendor upon your head, as you come clean before Me!
No more hidden things. When you are clean, I will clean up your nation.
Prepare the way of The LORD, for He is coming, He is coming. Jesus is on His way.”
I see the White horse released from the Throne. He is on His way!
“Oh that My People will call upon My Name and fall on their face before Me now. And speak, speak from The Heavens, speak from My Throne. For I will release My Words of the hour.
As you come up, go beyond your mind. Go beyond what is happening, and I will release My Spirit upon you, and you shall go out with power.
You shall speak forth with Fire! I am going to put Fire in your words. As you release them, it shall shake the heavens and shall shake the earth and restore everything the enemy has taken.
I AM a God of Restoration. I AM not just on that shakes things up and leaves them a mess. No! I will restore.
I am coming to bring Justice. My Hammer of Justice is about to fall — on — from heaven. The Gavel of Justice is about to come down! And My Righteousness shall be uplifted. My Righteous Ones shall be exalted.
My Name shall go forth into all the earth. And people will see My Glory. I AM about to move in such a way, to cause the earth to resound with gladness once again.
I AM bringing My Spirit, to blow, to blow, blow away the darkness and blow in the light and blow in joy and gladness and their shall be dancing in the streets. There shall be rejoicing in the streets once again,” says The LORD.
First published: January 18, 2021.
~ Heidi Bryden
Heidi Bryden is a rising prophetic voice in this new era. She has a passion and a heavenly mandate for sharing things she receives through dreams, visions, prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom. Heidi is currently a chaplain, writer, intercessor and prayer warrior and runs the Facebook page, “Heart to Heart with Heidi.” She attends an Alliance Church in Alberta, Canada.
Yes He is moving with a spirit of prayer upon the people and churches that are open to him. I have seen this even today in our own church. We are to be warriors for the kingdom of Righteousness. Last week I went with my daughter to our old church near her place and God moved so powerfully there too. As the world is growing darker, God is causing His true church to rise up. Holy Ghost fire is about to fall. People are getting serious about their shallow faith. God is taking us deeper. It’s the separation of the sheep and the goats.
Wowww How Great Thou Art
Cyclone Joshua formed several days ago as did cyclone Kimi. I hear the Lord saying that everything, everything that opposes Him will either be removed from the true (wise virgins) church or He will remove His people from the false (foolish virgins) church. Who is going to argue with cyclone Joshua? I have learned that Joshua did not capture the city of Jebus. However, King David captured the city that would be known as Jerusalem. Glory to God
Tipical of the kind of prophecies that Ty Unruh was teaching for in his preaching for the True Prophecies vs Fake ones, published yesterday at HKP. Beware of Hananaias that always prophecy for very good and prosperous days ahead. In time line of the Revelation, we are running toward the end not vice versa. How are the days going to be the more we approach the end, sunny or dark? Answer yourselves by reading the Bibles and you will start to distinguish fake hopes from real hopes. There is no lifting up without being humbled first, there is no humbling without true repentance. I would love very bright days to come, but I know is not gone happened, at least not until Christ returns. Meanwhile, He will always take care for His people, even in the darkest hours that are approaching in the horizon. Who believes in Him will live even if he/she will have to die.
Yes, so true and we know that even if everything around us goes dark and in chaos but there in our heart we carry and will still carry God ‘ s light and peace beyond measure.
His joy is our strength .
Bless you