HomeProphecyA Prophecy to The Army of The LORD


A Prophecy to The Army of The LORD — 5 Comments

  1. Yes Yes
    Stronger then Ever
    Thru HIM By HIM With HIM
    HIS New Anointing Upon HIS
    as HE Wills
    As Each HE Has Sharpened
    Each who have been willing
    for the grueling Sharpening
    to be used as said:
    “” We are a battle Axe for The LORD.””

    Wearing the FULL ARMOUR of Jehoveh Tsaba

  2. Amen!!
    Thank You Father, for Your Spirit is upon us!!
    I’m reminded of the movie ‘Amistad’ which is a true story of the illegal transport of slaves from Africa. They battle 3 times with the United States Government for their right to be free. Finally, at the highest Court in our Land, the Supreme Court, they are given they’re freedom, the slave fortress is found, and my favorite part, the people are told they’re free and run out of the caves!! :D I believe that’s where we are now. Upon returning home they find they’re land at war and they’re families gone, most likely sold into slavery by they’re own people…which is also where I believe we are. But PRAISE GOD, the Remnant is now rising, armed with Truth and Righteousness!! Bold as Lions and gentle as Doves, decreeing with our Lord the Power of the Words, “IT IS FINISHED!!”
    God Bless you beautiful lady!! :)

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