A Prayer for the Canadian Fires
We lift up The Nation of Canada to You and ask for You to intervene and to destroy those destroying the earth as You said you would do! (Revelation 11:18)
We ask You to send Angels to orchestrate breakthrough with Rains to quench the fires and stop the destruction.
We break the power of all sorcery, witchcraft and divination coming against our friends in Canada and on the borders of America!
Abba, You know what they are doing and we cry out to You, because You alone can stop this insanity! Forgive LORD, those who have agreed to choke off mankind and cause deaths.
You command the Armies of Heaven and You know so many innocent are already dying at the hands of these wicked!
Arise oh LORD and scatter the enemy! Loose Your Armies of Heaven to defend us all Abba!
Enter their secret meetings and show Your Mighty Arm LORD!
Cut off the oppressors!
In the Name and The Blood of Jesus!
Post Script
Amanda Grace was asking for prayer for her animals and the people near her, because the sky is so messed up.
And then there’s the New Yorker young prophetess, who sense that there’s more than just fires going on there’s also witchcraft and sorcery in NY area.
“The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, and those who fear Your name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth.“ Revelation 11:18
~ Priscilla Van Sutphin
PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at www.upstreamca.org and blogtalkradio.com/ Upstream. Email: upstream.ca@me.com For Donations: send to ‘Priscilla Van Sutphin’ on envelope, but to Upstream if chk at 15660 Tustin Village Way #27, Tustin CA 92780 or https://www.paypal.me/UpstreamMinistries or Zelle thru using upstream.ca@me.com
Priscilla, Thank you for praying for Canada and this forest fire situation. The devil is not happy with what the Lord intends to do in Canada. Many are crying out for healing of our Nation. We live an hour from our capital and yesterday the smell of smoke was very bad. So much so that my husband did the groceries. Standing with you, and again thank you for caring. I know this smoke has greatly affected the U.S. also. You might want to look up Canadian Fire Wall online as they stand in the gap for our deliverance. Priscilla the battle is great but God is greater.
I agree! BTW, who is the New Yorker young prophetess???