A Prayer for Kavanaugh
Father, deliver Kavanaugh from this humiliation and harassment of the enemy in Jesus’ name.
Father, I pray for justice. He should not be put through this emotional torture in Jesus’ Name.
Hold him up, LORD; strengthen him by your supernatural grace and power.
I cover his mind, body, soul and spirit with the power of the Blood of Jesus and decree that no weapon formed against him and the perfect will of God will prosper.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, LORD, you said you would rise up a standard against him and it is your holiness.
Vindicate Kavanaugh in Jesus’ name I pray!
I cast down these lies with the power of the blood of Jesus. These lies will not prosper!
Father, send your angels to do war on his behalf against these hordes of demons now in Jesus’ Name.
I come against stress right now in Jesus’ Name.
I cover his family with the power of the Blood of Jesus and decree no harm will come against any of them in any form.
Deliver, Father, Kavanaugh, and secure his position and Your perfect will for his life with Your blood.
The devil is defeated. His plans will not prosper. Because you are for him no man or devil can come against him!
Bring to the surface your truth and your light to overcome this darkness in Jesus’ Name.
Bring judgment, Father, and bring a stop to this harassment now! Reverse this.
What the enemy has meant for harm will work for good in Jesus’ Name.
Father, you said if two or more agree upon anything in Your name it shall be done.
We believe what I pray right here is Your will. We stand in faith believing that Your will be done and Your kingdom will come in this situation in Jesus’ Name.
Stir Your people to intercede in faith not wavering in unbelief looking not in the natural but to Your faithfulness that You will come through with victory.
We stand with You for holiness over our nation, for justice, for truth, for righteousness, peace and unity.
We stand in faith with You, Father, and we thank you that you are intervening in this situation in a mighty way.
You will have recompense against your enemies. They will pay one hundred fold for what they are doing to Kavanaugh.
Open their eyes to truth, LORD. Pour out Your holy fear upon them and repentance.
Show them they are not standing against a man but You, LORD. You are the holy judge of the universe and you will have the last say!
The enemy is under our feet. He will not win this battle! In Jesus’ Name!
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
Father God, heal the scars of Professor Christine Blasey Ford and countless women and men that have been raped, sexually assaulted and molested, and are ashamed to reveal their secrets for fear of shaming and humiliation! Father, heal their PAIN and SHAME! We all belong to You, the only Righteous JUDGE, who sees and knows all things. Only You Father God knows the truth!
Hallelujah Lord God, for hearing our prayers this day. Thank you for being a God of Justice, of Righteousness, for placing this man, after your own heart to have a seat as Judge Kavanaugh,in the Supreme Court. Hallelujah !! Glory to God !! Amen !
I agree. Let this prayer go forth and bless the sender and the recipient I’m Jesus name.
Thank you and agreeing in Prayer. Amen.
Standing in Agreement, Justice will prevail. Yes, Lord, let thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done as it is in heaven, here on earth in Jesus name I pray, and come against the demonic forces, upon the righteousness, destroy the enemies, by fire, in Jesus name Amen !
Amen Amen appreciate this prayer U posted!!! I join my Faith with yours and Praying Gods perfect will prevail!! He who is without sign cast the first stone!! They are throwing rocks knowing they themselves are just as guilty of the things they are trying to accuse this RIGHTEOUS GOD FEARING MAN!! God will Deliver and AVENGE THE GODLY!! The rocks they are throwing are turning direction and are boomerang back to them In Jesus Name !! LET GOS ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED!!! The true hearts of the democrats and a few republican is being exposed !! Lord give America and Christians eyes and ears to see and hear what U are doing and saying!!!! Bring down the system of BAAL that has been running this nation from the WHITEHOUSE!! UPROOT AND DESTROY IT ALL, and ALL THAT ARE APART OF IT !!! Cut off the HEAD as Y did with GOLIATH!!!!!
Amen Amen appreciate this prayer U posted!!! I join my Faith with yours and Praying Gods perfect will prevail!! He who is without sign cast the first stone!! They are throwing rocks knowing they themselves are just as guilty of the things they are trying to accuse this RIGHTEOUS GOD FEARING MAN!! God will Deliver and AVENGE THE GODLY!! The rocks they are throwing are turning direction and are boomerang back to them In Jesus Name !! LET GOS ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED!!! The true hearts of the democrats and a few republican is being exposed !! Lord give America and Christians eyes and ears to see and hear what U are doing and saying!!!! Bring down the system of BAAL that has been running this nation from the WHITEHOUSE!! UPROOT AND DESTROY IT ALL, and ALL THAT ARE APART OF IT !!! Cut off the HEAD as Y did with GOLIATH!!!!!
Yesssssss amen standing in agreement.