A Prayer Against Enemy Traps
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He So Loves You!
For someone — rest in Him today, tonight, wherever you are.
He has it all figured out. You don’t need to stress about it because in his eyes it’s already done. Completed!
Ha! yes completed. Look to him your source of life, comfort.
That arm is stretched out for you to lean upon. See it! Grab hold of it! I see it… arms locked .
He and you got it locked in together
Let Your Heart Be Open
Let your heart be open to let Him in. He wants to abide and dwell within you.
If you question who God is or ask if He is even real — He is.
He just wants you to come to know who He really is. He wants to show you his goodness and his love.
Are you desiring love?
We all desire love and to be loved. The greatest love that you will ever know or come in contact with is His love. He loves you with all your flaws. He never condemns.
He will prove himself to you time and time again.
I pray that you would allow your heart to be open to receive His love.
I needed His love desperately in my life.
There was a few words that were told to me over and over again and then there was a song written with those exact words….
Oh how He loves us.
He loves you.
You need to hear this today.
Someone feels like they are drowning because they are desperate for love. The loneliness you feel seems to consume you.
It’s okay, because I hear The LORD say, “I AM here for you.”
He is there! He is there!
I Declare over you that there will be a oneness with Him, a completeness. You will know it and you will feel it. He is yours and you are His.
Like a mighty rushing wind LORD… let it take place.
Prayer Against Enemy Traps
Every single trap that the enemy has planned against your family, I declare null and void.
I bind every spirit of division, discord, anger, jealousy and hatred!
I loose into your home love, peace and acceptance. The enemy will have no say in your home. I silence the enemies voices.
There is a spirit of division and jealousy coming within homes. It is to cause an uproar. It is to cause an upheaval. The enemy will not win.
The enemy will try and come in and cause jealousy. The lies of one believing that one is favored or loved over the other. It isn’t true!
I pray this for your family…
Satan you are a liar! You are already defeated. You have no place within their homes and you must leave.
Jealousy go! Division go! Anger Go!
At last you shall see peace… you shall know Peace. The Peace of God which rules in your heart and also within your homes.
Holy Spirit, come in and take over. Clear out whatever is not of you or does not belong.
Let them sense Your Peace LORD. Let them feel Your Love in spite of the chaos that is around them.
Send your mighty Angel Army to war and fight on their behalf.
Some homes are in such disarray because of the fighting that goes on amongst you. It is not of God.
He does not want this. He does not want this within your homes. He comes to bring Peace, not a sword.
You must pray for your families. You must rise up against the enemies lies.
I trust you LORD, for you shall do this for them. They shall see it and they shall know that it was you truly at work within their lives/homes.
I thank you now LORD!
~ Kelly Ewing
Kelley — Her heart’s desire is to remain in the secret place and abide in His love. Kelley also runs her own website “Heart Two Heart“.
So blessed praying and meditating on these prayers