HomeProphecyA Powerful Vision for Ireland! (Updated)


A Powerful Vision for Ireland! (Updated) — 6 Comments

  1. I pray for Ireland (North, South, East and West) daily.
    I live in Belfast opposite Stormont but we lived on both sides of the border as we moved a lot due to my father’s job (he was a Methodist minister who loved Jesus, preached the gospel and kept reminding us of the significance of Israel being restored as a nation. He was member of the Belfast Council for Christians and Jews.
    Just to say I feel the “weightiness” of Holy Spirit affirming this word as I read it. Praise God.
    I have been praying for Ireland (and the UK) for years.
    Lord, let Your Kingdom come and let Your will be done (even today) in Ireland, North, South, East and West and throughout the UK.
    Lord, You know our hearts are heavy as we see the wickedness that has taken over so many institutions and even people in our precious nations.
    Show us how to pray Holy God and let Your word be as a fiery sword in our mouths as we intercede for Your justice, mercy and will to bring our nations back into full alignment with Your will a d purpose.
    Soften hard hearts, enlighten confused minds. Let there be a multitude of the most lost and broken that will be so impacted by Your presence and voice that they will completely leave their lives of sin and become fiery “Paul’s” who preach the gospel powerfully and fearlessly.
    I was travelling back from Spain to Dublin last month. A young woman on our flight had a huge tattoo of satan on her arm. A sign of the times. I’ve been praying for her and others like her. There seem to be many.
    Set them free Lord to know the truth about what they are worshipping. Let a deep desire rise up within their hearts to seek after You Lord (just like you did with me all those years ago). Give us Your heart and wisdom Lord for these lost souls and set Ireland free, North, South, East and West from the plans of the enemy.
    Bless Veronika and others who are battling on the front line on our behalf.
    Strengthen those of us that are interceeding for the nations and keep us safe Lord. Keep our hand firmly in the tiller of what we are called to and use us Lord to make a difference.
    Christine from Belfast.

    • ” Set them free Lord to know the Truth about what they are worshipping.”

      When I read this Christine my thoughts immediately went to how Jesus spoke to the woman at the well.
      John 4:21- ” Jesus saith unto her, ‘ Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall NEITHER IN THIS MOUNTAIN, NOR YET AT JERUSALEM, worship The Father.'”
      v 23 – ..the true worshippers shall worship The Father in Spirit and in Truth.’

      My understanding is that when we are exhorted to ” pray for the peace of Jerusalem”
      ” Thy Kingdom COME, Thy Will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven..”
      His Majesty King Jesus , The Prince of Peace, sitting on His Throne.

  2. ~Israel becomes One with Ireland. Nation/s wrestling of man/humanity w/God is over, in re-connect Covenant w/God! Much like Jacob – whom God changed his name to ~~Israel Gen.32:28 This is about ALL who find ‘righteousness’ in God through Christ Jesus.

    The God of Abraham, Isaac, AND Jacob (not his new name Israel ) why? Because theirs a Jacob in All of us – but in Him – in Christ (the anointing) God prevails!

  3. Who is a Jew?

    Romans 2:28,29 – ” For he is NOT a w, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. But HE IS a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”

    So, I ask then, ” Who IS Israel that becomes one with Ireland? ‘

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