A Powerful Vision for Ireland
Recently The LORD led us a as Joshua’s Call Company of Shofar Warriors on a very strategic Prophetic Assignment.
Without going into too much detail — as much of what we do in the way of Prophetic Assignments is covert — what I want to share is highly critical at this time of great change in our beloved Ireland.
Please continue to pray for us, as God continues to Build, Establish and Advance His Kingdom through His Ecclesia in this hour!
The following Vision was released to me as we stood as a Joshua Company on Slemish Mountain, and blew the shofars!
”Divine Convergence — The Celtic Braids and Priestly Mantle of Saint Patrick!”
13th July 2024!
So, as we stood at the top of Slemish this morning, and each one stood forward individually to blow their Shofars, I was shown the following in a Vision.
I watched that as each sound of the Shofars was being released, It produced a golden strand that was suddenly taken up by the hand of an Angel who was standing at attention, waiting for the sound to be released.
And as the sound went forth it, was then carried like Golden Threads/ Strands, across the land.
Then I watched as the Angels began to move together in what looked like a powerful Dance of Destiny over that Region and Territory.
( I knew that the place we were standing on, was highly strategic in the unfolding Apostolic and Prophetic Plan and The Destiny for this Land. )
I was then shown that the Divine Convergence of sounds released by the Shofars created “movement” — a powerful movement in The Realm of The Spirit/
Then I saw in the midst of the Angels moving, what looked like an “Angelic Loom” beginning to weave together each of the Golden Strands that were being released into the atmosphere.
As the Angelic Loom moved back and forth, and back and forth, I watched as it began to create what looked like ancient Celtic Braids, each Celtic Braid having a distinct and unique Celtic Pattern which I knew by The Spirit of Revelation, spoke to the unique sound of each of the Shofars that were being blown.
I watched as the Angels moved powerfully, gracefully, and with great precision and accuracy. Each Angel knew their place in the intricate formation, as the ancient Celtic Braids were being created.
The Angel’s movements created a mesmerizing display of unity and yet perfect harmony, their every movement shimmered with The Light of The Seven Spirits of God, which in turn cast a radiant rainbow across the whole of the land (the sound created Light!)
Suddenly, the Vision shifted, and I watched as the ancient Celtic Braids were being intricately woven together in the Angelic Loom to create what looked like a beautiful priestly Mantle — and I heard The Spirit say, “Watch! For I AM weaving together the golden strands of the sounds of the Shofars in the hands of the Angels over this land.
For a Divine Convergence of Sounds will bring to birth a New Movement of Word and Spirit in The Nations of the earth.
I say, watch, as the Angelic Loom weaves The Golden Strands in the Angel’s hands, to bring forth the priestly Mantle of Saint Patrick over this land — for this is the hour of Divine Reversals — and a Supernatural Resurgence of the Ancient Mantles of the Saints and Scholars in this land!”
Friends, as I submit this Vision for prayerful consideration, I feel a tangible Holy-awe and Reverence for what God did in our midst today!
As I watched the Angels dancing and weave the Golden Strands together in their hands, I could see a great shift beginning to take place over this Nation — a New Movement of Word and Spirit that will bring forth great Revival and Restoration — unlike anything seen before!
I submit : The Sound of The Shofars being released today will begin to usher in a new season of Breakthrough and Victory for Ireland!
I saw so clearly the priestly Mantle of Saint Patrick descending upon the land! It was a weighty, yet breathtaking ancient Celtic Braided woven Mantle which fell upon The Nation — a glorious manifold Cloak of the Power and Authority of The Seven Spirits of God!
The Rainbow which I saw being cast upon the land, I believe truly symbolises God’s Promises and Faithfulness to Restore and Revive all that has been lost and stolen!
The appearance of the Angels today, carrying forth the Golden Strands across this land, heralds a New Movement and day of Supernatural Transformation and Renewal!
The priestly Mantle of Saint Patrick is now being fully reformed — The Land of Ireland, is beginning to shift and change!
I decree : This is a kairos moment of Divine Intervention and Kingdom Reformation over Ireland!
1) I saw that each sound had a unique Spiritual Frequency — and within the frequency, a unique pattern was produced that created the Spiritual Texture of The Mantle that God is releasing!
2) What was incredible, was that as we sat together at lunch, and as we had our debrief, and as I released part of the Prophetic Vision, someone suddenly spoke out that “The Slemish is situated in The Braid Valley and the Braid River runs in that region!” See map below.
I submit : It is no coincidence that God would reveal this Vision of ancient Celtic Braids being woven together over this specific region called Braid.
Prophetically, I submit this a marked place for the weaving together of the ancient Celtic Braids to bring forth the priestly Mantle of Saint Patrick over this Land!
Slemish & Braid River on Google Earth Map
Slemish photo ©Aubrey Dale
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
I am a Messianic Jew and when I blow the shofar every morning the power, peace and knowing that my Lord and Savior is ready the troops and the enemies have nothing on me.
I will be in prayer for Ireland and what the Lord has spoken ! Now and days to come !!! Rise Up for it is now , that you have been created for !!!
A-mazing! God’s woman in Ireland!
The Remnant continues to pray for Ireland. ‘Celtic Braids’ – the word celtic makes me think of celtic salt, which is known to be rich in minerals and trace elements, often used as supplement to hydrate the human body. We See The Body of Christ, the Salt of the earth, as God weaves His ‘priestly mantel’ upon the royal priesthood of His people around the globe. Agree w/you woman of God that with/in God, there’s never a coincidence. Nothin’ just happens. Let’s remember Ruth 2:3-9. She ‘hap’ to glean from the harvest, but it’s no ‘happen-stance’, for we understand WHO the LORD of harvest IS – JESUS! We betta’ praise Him!
Oh Hallelujah! My spirit bears witness with this. I’ve had the impression from the Holy Spirit that divine reversals were coming to God’s people. As I read this concerning Ireland I was reminded of Genesis 22:14 And Abraham named that place The LORD Will Provide, as it is said to this day, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.”
OH, how marvelous are His plans for us! Amen