HomeProphecyHe Will Create a Perfect Path


He Will Create a Perfect Path — 3 Comments

  1. The dream I had was in 2005 … I forgot to say that.  It is a long time to wait but I know not for the Lord.  I hand on to 1 Corinthians 2: 9 as well for shortly after the dream this verse was prophesied over me.  :)

  2. I so appreciate this word June!  I have felt in my spirit man that I am called to the prophetic; is is what I have desired for so long.  We all have a prophet somewhere in us for the Holy Spirit indwells us.  I have been asking Him for the Seer anointing … I am waiting for I Had a colorful dream where He said I would be His trumpet to the nations; that I would declare His Word to the nations … I am still waiting for this to be fulfilled :) He is faithful. :)

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