He Will Create a Perfect Path
“I will make a way for you where there is NO way,” says The LORD.
“I AM the Way, and I will create a perfect path for you to follow. Look for the open door where there was none.
“For I WILL create one for you. You will not have to pound on it or even use a key, for it is already unlocked, open and will be ready for you to cross over into the new that I create for you,” says The LORD.
“Don’t be fearful of your future or the unknown,” says The LORD.
“For I have new and exciting things for you ahead. You do not have to repeat the same things over and over and over, again, for I will give you NEW assignments, and expand your borders.
“I cannot be put in a box, and you will come out of your own that has sides, corners and lids that have kept you in. You are bigger than the box of religion.
“Your comfort zone will become uncomfortable, just as the mother eagle removes the comforting material from the nest so that her eaglets will learn to fly.
“You will come forth as a new vessel that I will use for My glory, and you will be launched into your destiny,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
This is a word of confirmation for me today.Hallelujah God is for me and not against me.
The dream I had was in 2005 … I forgot to say that. It is a long time to wait but I know not for the Lord. I hand on to 1 Corinthians 2: 9 as well for shortly after the dream this verse was prophesied over me. :)
I so appreciate this word June! I have felt in my spirit man that I am called to the prophetic; is is what I have desired for so long. We all have a prophet somewhere in us for the Holy Spirit indwells us. I have been asking Him for the Seer anointing … I am waiting for I Had a colorful dream where He said I would be His trumpet to the nations; that I would declare His Word to the nations … I am still waiting for this to be fulfilled :) He is faithful. :)