A Now Word to the Body of Christ!
Today let the mindset of Christ become your motivation.
Be free from acts of self-promotion and self-seeking attitudes. Be found empty of self, but filled with greater humility, tender affection and mercy.
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A Now Word to the Body of Christ!
The Spirit of God woke me early hours of this morning and I heard the spirit say,
Beloved are you hungry?
Are you thirsty?
Are you hungry for a move of My Spirit and are you thirsty for an outpouring of My Glory?
Beloved, are you hungry and thirsty?
Are you ready, watching and waiting?
For behold, I AM doing a new thing in the earth.
Are you crying out day and night, night and day for a deeper encounter?
Are you passionately pursuing and relentlessly running after My Presence?
Are you willing to give up and give over your will, your ways, your agenda and your preconceived ideas?
Are you rightly positioned and aligned for a move of My Spirit?
Again I ask you! Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Are you ready and prepared for My Spirit to move amongst you?
Are you ready to fully surrender and yield to My will, to My way, to My timing and to My plans and purposes for your lives?
Are you ready to move beyond this place of stagnation and barrenness?
Are you ready to move from this place of comfort and complacency?
Are you ready to pay the price for a move of My Spirit in the earth?
Are you ready to go where I want to send you?
Are you hungry and thirsty, or have you become satisfied with eating and drinking stale bread and old wine?
Have you become content with receiving half measures and a lukewarm and watered-down gospel that keeps you bound and shackled to the past and to the traditions of men?
Look and see! Open your eyes! For there are many dying among you! For surely I tell you, your hearts have grown cold and hard.
I hear many asking, “Where are the signs, wonders and miracles?”
I tell you beloved, when I look, I see a generation of mere spectators, sons and daughters who praise Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.
Listen! For a famine of My Word is coming to the nations of the earth and many will run two and fro looking for peace, looking for the truth and for the light.
Many will stumble and fall in the darkness. Many will be caught up in the fowler’s snare.
Many will be lead by a false witness and many will be led down a path to eternal destruction.
Have I not said, have I not warned that the lukewarm I will vomit out of My mouth?
My beloved, take heed in this hour. Awake from your deep slumber. Arise and become fully alert before it is too late.
Listen! I AM calling you. I AM drawing you. I AM knocking at the door.
Will you let me come in, but not on your terms only on My Terms?” says the Spirit of God.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Not much time to wait.
Cleansing operations are working, but suddenly will be the final one, with not chances for whom so not want to see, that many are part of the earth problems.
From such instant moment, You’ll be the beginning of a new fresh walking. TRUST ME.
Yes Abba Father.