A Now Word for Canada (Updated)
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This morning after a night of intercession, The LORD poured out His Glory upon my hands and they glistened with Glory Gold.
As I sat in His presence, after getting my cup of morning coffee, this Word poured out of me for Canada.
The LORD is gathering the nation together and we will see a change bursting out of what is taking place right now in this very hour across the land. This is an encouraging word for Canada.
“Canada, I AM sifting and shifting you! As I was with my servant Moses, so shall I be with you,” says The LORD of Hosts.
“Yes, My Glory shall rest upon you and you shall be radiant as you behold Me, for I AM The Glory and The Lifter of your head,” says The LORD.
“You will be a sign and a wonder unto The Nations and many shall come to you for healing, for you carry healing in your hands. You are an Oak of Righteousness, planted by the River of Life, bringing forth fruit in due season.
The Glory Gold on your hands is a sign that I shall do this, not only on your hands, but on your face and whole body,” says The LORD.
“You are as my servant Joseph and I will cause you to store up things you will need for provision for many in the future, because there is coming a time of famine indeed, in the Nation, but I shall bestow upon certain ones this anointing. I will pour out gushers of favour upon you to release to others.
So receive with open hearts and open hands and I will pour into them everything you need.
Do not worry, do not fret, for I AM your Provider. I AM your Healer. I AM your Redeemer. I AM the Lover of your soul and I will not leave you stranded, but I will protect you when times get tough and rough, and you will be bring about a smoothness and a coolness to the foreheads with a sweated brow.
I will bring peace to The Nations and My Spirit of Truth upon a people, so their eyes shall be opened and their ears shall hear The Word of The LORD coming forth from your mouth, and it shall be a Word birthed in the altar of the caldron of fire before The Throne.
It will go out as Fiery Coals upon the heads of others, and as you give instead of take when things are tough, and as you release My Glory when chaos abounds around you, I will protect you in the palm of My Hand, for I AM The Lifter of your head.
Get ready! The Lion of Judah is roaring right now throughout the land. I AM breaking down strongholds in the hearts and the minds of My People.
I AM setting them free from chains of darkness that have bound them for many years. Many years of torment are being broken off right now.
Indeed, I will restore the many years the enemy has stolen from them.
As My People gather together, I will begin to stir their hearts with unity and oneness in My Spirit,” says The LORD.
“I have placed certain ones in this gathering of the nations, who carry My fire and My Word and they will release love and peace and kindness to others, so that the hearts of stone shall be changed to into pliable hearts of flesh, ready to receive My Spirit.
I AM beginning the shaking of the heart of the Nation. I AM calling those together who are longing for peace in the land and as they look to Me, The Prince of Peace, I will restore peace in their heart and all around them.
I AM sifting the Nation and My Sickle is going across the land. I will bring down the high places, for the wickedness in high places shall be revealed and I will deal with them,” says The LORD.
“For vengeance is Mine, so be at peace and let Me do My Work, as I shake your Nation back into place.
Just like in the days of the gold rush, when miners panned for gold and sifted all the debris and saw the gold that remained, so I AM sifting this land, oh Canada, and you shall come forth as gold — rough chunks of gold that will be refined in the fire of revival and many hearts will turn to Me in that hour.
They will see and recognize that it is not I who caused all this destruction in the land, but the enemy of your soul.
For the enemy wishes to strike at the heart of your nation, but I AM going to deal with the heart of Canada.
Many are reaching out, even now, with compassion and love and helping one another, and this is how I will cleanse the land. Not with weapons of mass destruction, but with My love.
When you show love to one another, hearts are healed, barriers crumble, and strongholds are broken.
So arise and shine Canada, this is your Hour of Redemption. Just as this train of vehicles come together in one place in your capital, it is a sign that in the Spirit My Glory train will once more go across the nation, from province to province, and from coast to coast and My Glory shall reign upon you,” says The LORD your Redeemer.
“Many are called but few are chosen. Will you answer my call?
Step out your comfort zone right now, for this is the hour I have called My People to stand up, to stand up for righteousness and truth, in the name Almighty One true God, the Creator of all things.”
Let it be so, Lord Jesus. Come quickly and restore our nation back to a Godly Nation, ruled with righteousness, truth and justice for all who dwell in it.
We bless and honor the Name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ who bled and died as a sacrifice for all of mankind, so that all of creation will have peace in their land and prosper in all their ways.
Blessings to all who hear and receive the Word of The LORD.
~ Heidi Bryden
Heidi Bryden is a devout follower of The LORD Jesus Christ, whose desire is to hear and obey the calling on her life to serve Him, through sharing what the Holy Spirit impresses upon her through poems, dreams, and words of knowledge.
We (my little family) are a friend to you, Canada! As we straddled the border of the US and Canada across the Northern half of the US for over a year in our travels…we prayed for you with as much zeal and love as we prayed for us. We worshipped at your borders. I’m not saying this to toot my horn but to let you know that THE Highest Horn has been raised up on your behalf from your Southern neighbors. You’re ready for whatever comes your way. No weapon formed against you will prosper if you trust in the Lord. God bless you!
Thank you, Heidi. That was a most excellent word.
Glenn H. Jackson
Thank you Glen. I did a livestream on Facebook Heart to Heart where I go over the Wird in detail. Please check it out!
Amen & Amen. Thank you so much for this Word from Richmond BC Canada. May the Lord’s great Name be highly exalted over Canada and the nations. His mercy reaches to the heavens and His truth and righteousness unto the clouds. Awake us O LORD and awake our land!! Pour out your Spirit upon our sons & daughters that they may yet return to You and receive your grace, mercy and truth and Your Holy Spirit. Let Your Kingdom come and let Your Will be done O God of the Heavens and the earth. Pour out Your rain O God and water our thirsty hearts. Let God arise and let our hearts and land be awakened O Lord!! We stand on guard for you O Canada! True North strong and free. Let God arise.
Many blessings over you! Thank you for sharing! Amen hallelujah!
What a wonderful word Heidi. After praying with Shelley today for Canada and the convoy today, this came as a great comforting word as we stood heart to heart with the convoy. Thank you for sharing. Love and blessings, Sandi
Thank you Sandy! Thank you for praying over our nation! This Word was so amazing I asked for confirmation from tge Holy Spirit and He showed me in the night two other confirmations which I received this morning! How amazing He is! He will perform what He says He will do! Blessings sister!
Thank you from Canada dear Heidi!
Taking SO MUCH HEART in the WORD that he LORD gave to you to release!
We prayed with the convoy today:
This is the cry of a nation!
Governmental Corruption has brought us to our knees
Father may we come before you
turning to you as our only source …
To set us free!
Release us from all that has held us captive
As you said in Jeremiah 29
If you seek me with all your heart you’ll find me…and I’ll set you free from all that’s helped you captive
If we will come with a true seeking heart we will find you there. Present.
we ask Lord… that a nation would see there is a God in the heavens who moves on behalf of His people…
Not by might.
Not by power
But by My Spirit says the LORD!!
Amen hallelujah! Wow to that prayer! Thank you for sharing! Blessings!