A Loving Word In Season : Covid-19
“But The LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9.
Family of God, let’s apply some prophetic insight to this hour (remember prophecy is simply Father’s heart revealed).
“No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer,” 2 Timothy 2:4.
At a time when the Body of Christ could be laying hands on the sick, praying the comfort and peace of Jesus Christ over people, and witnessing with signs following, we are instead navigating too much of our own fear and Satan’s lies to be the Light.
There is a military term for this compromise. It’s called becoming “Combat ineffective.”
During major recent events this same pattern happened during 9-11, the housing market crash, and the Great Recession as well.
Before we go any further please understand this:
- This outbreak is meant to bring us to all new heights in our walk, and depths in our intimacy and identity as a Child of God.
- This season is meant to conform our spirit, soul and body into the next level of Christ-like ambassadors walking the end-times Earth.
- Please… Never forget this.
NOTE: Trials are invitations. Trials expose the hidden man of the heart. They reveal the secrets we keep from ourselves, our spouses, our friends, and (in futility) before God.
This Season — Peeling it all away
As stated in prior writings and broadcasts, we have already entered into a new Epoch. For the last few years I have conveyed that Father, in His great love and compassion has begun turning up the heat on the Church.
Heat purifies. It restores intimacy. It cleanses our soul. It sets us free to walk in deeper fellowship.
For the Body of Christ, trials do not define the season we are in. Seasons are defined by what Father’s desires to accomplish.
This is a time of Jesus once again becoming our First-Love. Jesus is continuing to peel back what has been hidden in our own hearts.
his is loving and safe exposure. This is good!
Centuries Past — Iron & Clay
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock… but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Matthew 7:24-27.
We are all, with the passage of time, reaping little by little, more and more, whatever foundation we are choosing to build.
For some, this is increased kingdom blessing and authority. For many others, this is fear and loss. This can change now.
Intimacy, transformation, and sharing the Gospel in power, will always be compromised so long as we attempt to do this while also living for ourselves and our own motives.
This compromise will no longer be within the sphere of Father’s permissive blessings as Jesus nears His return.
For centuries, the Church has attempted to find true intimacy with Jesus, while seeking to be validated by this world.
Our sense of identity, (link) simply put, is not what we profess, but what our heart truly clings to for our inherent sense of self-value. (Do we find validation and worth in titles, money, the world, or even our giftings?)
All of this is coming to the surface. Why do we do the things we do? What is truly motivating our actions and thoughts?
When will we stop looking to be stroked and validated by our accomplishments and the opinions of others?
Father-God says we are fully pleasing and accepted in His sight.
Question: What is the last thing on our minds before we go to bed?
What is the first thing on our heart when we wake up?
How does this compare to the way our Savior walked the Earth with His Father?
Now… most importantly, what is the root behind this delta? This is where Father wants to minister to us.
God is Love
God is good. God is Love. God is holy. This must be embraced or we will never have a proper spiritual kingdom perspective on anything. Ever.
God is love. Whether it’s correction or abundant blessings. God is doing both in this season. He is correcting that which has not been repented of.
He is blessing and advancing those who have heard His cry and sought His heart above all things. Both are Love.
A transference is taking place during this outbreak. This is not to say that if one has felt financial or physical loss one is in sin. But wealth is being removed from areas of the Church Body and given to other brothers and sisters who have been counted trustworthy.
It is happening right now. Love humbles. Love Corrects. Love blesses. God is love in all of this, and throughout this entire Corona-virus pandemic.
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13.
Is the passion of our heart to pray for those who are scared and have no hope?
Are we racing to meet strangers in our community to share the Gospel and speak health and peace over them?
Why do we sleep so well at night when our family members and neighbors we believe are heading toward perdition?
Where is our love for those who need love?
This too, shall pass…
Your Father is faithful and His protection is over you. Always. Always! Family, this flu will pass.
Covid-19 will fade away. The economy and the Market will rebound this time. This time. This is the not the end of the world. These are birth pains.
These are merciful, loving opportunities Father is using to refine our hearts and prepare and end-times bride.
Many have been crying “Revival, revival!” Well, are we reviving? Are we turning from the sin of still finding worth in others?
Is our heart still bent on the sin of hoarding our wealth and self-preservation?
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11.
We will use it to press into Father’s heart and ask the Holy Spirit to change us.
Or, we will just batten the hatches and remain unchanged, waiting for the next event that is of even greater personal. There is a Garden planted within our inner being.
Where is our soul in relation to this Garden? This event is not about fear, the economy, or elections.
This is not about The One-World Order or anything else in this realm.
All things begin from the Throne Room of God. All things originate in the spirit and manifest in the natural realm.
There is something even bigger than all other potential outcomes that manifest in the earthly kingdom. This event is about the heart of the body of Christ.
This event will pass. When it does, where will Jesus find our hearts?
~ David Murry
David Murry ~ One of the ways Father God has asked David to serve the Body is in sharing the amazing truths about what it means to have been made the Righteousness of Christ, and applying that truth to how we view God, ourselves and others. Restoration of the Body back to the heart and nature of the Ancient of Days (who just happens to be our Dad) starts with understanding what truly occurred at the cross on our behalf. It is an honor and joy for David to help the body return to the heart of our Father… in all our ways.
Contact David at: dwmurry.com or email him at: dwmurry@gmail.com
Beautiful words. Thank you.
What a sobering message for each one of us to awake from our slumber and examine our true motives. I loved these questions: Question: What is the last thing on our minds before we go to bed?
What is the first thing on our heart when we wake up?
How does this compare to the way our Savior walked the Earth with His Father?
Now… most importantly, what is the root behind this delta? This is where Father wants to minister to us.
Thank you for these words….