HomeProphecyA Love Letter From Jesus


A Love Letter From Jesus — 16 Comments

  1. YES YES YES LORD the choice is YOU!  I cried through this, so much confirmation of what He has been putting on my heart.  Thank you Sandi again, you are so special.  I am going to print this and put it in my Bible if that’s ok.  Hugs Pam

    • Thank you so much, Pam. I am rejoicing with you for your confirmations. I am sp blessed to be special to you..praying it is Jesus you see. So many hugs back to your pure heart, Sandi

  2. Precious, God-loving Sandi. A mighty stream of life from the Father’s heart began to flow into my heart and fill it with great joy from our mighty God as I read these precious words at the throne of God, given and brought by you. You are God’s scribe, you gently and patiently listen to the voice of your Master and what he has in his heart, you record the irradiated parchment for God’s glory and you gradually unravel it as His Spirit gradually speaks and uncovers the depths and you carry it to build and please His people. So many things are a confirmation for me of what the Lord is putting inside of me at this time. May you receive new grace and freshness in the many wonderful moments you will spend in the chamber with your King and in the places where the Holy Spirit will let his voice ring out like a bell through you to encourage and reorient his people. May the Lord Himself open new doors of opportunities and possibilities as His glory spreads widely to all those in need and the earth is flooded with the knowledge of the Father’s goodness. May God himself be your guardian and protector in the future, may God’s victory carry you on the wings of the dove of the Holy Spirit.

    • Dear David, As always, your encouraging words bring such joy to my heart knowing that someone in the nations that God called me to received and rejoiced in His words released from his heart to mine. I just have the pen of the ready writer. David, in these last days of my life as I desperately try to finish and publish the book on the heart the Lord gave me as my assignment, I have been taken to my ‘home town’ to finish the chapter on a prophet has no honor in his hometown. Now I can say, I have walked it out, Lord and I pray the only words you hear me say is, ‘Father, Forgive them. they know not what they do. Every morning when I wake up, I thank God for Angus, Jill and those like you in the nations that love so well. In His love and my gratitude for your beautiful encouragement for me to press on to the end, Sandi

  3. Thank you Lord, for this letter. I will read it over and over.  Dear Sandy; over the past 3 years I have followed your posts diligently as the message in my heart has been where is GOD’S love? Just a few weeks ago this question popped into my mind “If Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Him and they are in us,quite literally the commander/creator of the universe lives in us, then why are we not seeing the supernatural on a daily basis? Then this morning as I was reading in John 17, verse 5 was the verse I paused on and am memorizing, “and now Father, glorify me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.” It goes along with a statement you wrote above “WHO I AM IN YOU must replace what I can do for you.” Open our hearts and eyes Spirit of truth, that we can see, hear, feel, taste and smell the essence of you in this mortal body, in Jesus name, amen.

    • Thanks so much for sharing Vicki. I am happy it was a confirming message of His never-ending love. I believe He is releasing a tangible confirmation of His love, especially for those in the church who have given up because they are listening to so many worldly voices..but it is truly a time of INTIMACY with Him in the secret place. He has so much to impart to us. The supernatural shall become natural. Sending love and blessings to you as you follow hard after HIM, Sandi

  4. Thank you Sandi for posting this beautiful and timely love letter we all so need.  I receive it all and thank you Lord for your faithfulness and love for your body.  Many blessings to you and yours!!!

    • Good evening dear MF. I too felt it so timely as I am sensing a great outpouring of His love in tangible ways in this hour.It is His love that will carry us through the many masive changes on the horizon. So much love and blessings to you, Sandi,

  5. Thank you Sandi, every sentence a gift to treasure within our hearts, a beautiful love letter to carry with us, to reread and find refreshing and nourishment.
    Yes, He is truly transforming our hearts, removing, as garbage the false we believed for so long.

    • You are so welcome, Ursula. I appreciate your kind words. May we keep being transformed and having heart changes from our own and only Savior and Friend. Many blessings to you as you walk with HIM, Sandi

  6. Thank you for sharing an awesome letter, it feels like the feel when Paul and Barnabas were singing and worshipping some Jewish songs and the prison doors just opened for them and for us. SHALOM.

    • Good beautiful day, John. Thanks so much for the Paul and Barnabas reminder. Our God is an awesome God and HE still opens those doors no man can shu. Peace and blessings to you, Sandi

  7. Ah, so sweet Sandi. Been too many years since I received a love letter – especially a handwritten note from a Royal King, Prince of peace, and true friend, Jesus the Lord. Thanks for being the postman to deliver such good mail to all of us.

    • A BIG THANK YOU, LIZ~ Never know what might come in the mail. Seriously, I appreciate you input and so glad you liked it. He is our EVERYTHING! xoxo Sandi

  8. Amen! Believed and received!
    You are loving, gracious, merciful, kind, faithful!
    Thank You Father!
    Thank You Jesus!
    Thank You Holy Spirit!
    Thank you Sandi!

    • Thank you Marc. HE is loving, gracious, merciful, kind and faithful. His love never fails. His grace is abundant, His mercy is new every morning, His kindness is overflowig and His faithfulness is the substance of it all…I rejoice with you as we receive all He has given and keeps on giving..In His Love and Presence, Sandi

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