A Kingdom Full Cup
If your a Kingdom Citizen then you have the ability to keep your cup, the cup of your spirit, full at all times.
As a matter of fact, keeping your cup full to the brim is not difficult in the Kingdom, because those who are hungry usually stay under spirit longer than it takes to fill the cup, so therefore your cup will run over.
My Father has prepared a spiritual table for you as a Citizen and He’s done it deliberately in front of your enemies. He did this to make them jealous and to rub it into Satan’s face that He knows how to treat His citizens, and they have no part in the spiritual feast.
My Father anoints every Citizen at His table with supernatural knowledge, revelation, and wisdom in the form of a spiritual oil, that will last for ever. By the way, I forgot to mention that ‘Banquet Hall’ and the secret place are the same, and the banqueting table, is behind closed doors.
The problem is when your cup is almost full, as you sit in the secret place, the Kingdom Citizens is enjoying My Father’s presence, that they forget to leave with their full cup, and it runs over.
The unusual thing about this running over, is that it has creative power mixed into it and joy flows like water, like a river out of the belly of everyone at that table (John 7:38).
There is so much joy and anointing and power flowing from the Citizen’s belly that Father’s mercy and goodness just follow him wherever the Citizen cups spills over. Every Kingdom Citizen comes to one conclusion, they just do not want to leave My Father’s presence, just as Peter did not want to leave the mount of transfiguration because of My presence in a glorified state.
They want to dwell in the heavenly presence forever and ever. The beautiful part of this is, they can, and they will if they choose to. Every true Kingdom Citizen spending daily time in the secret place ends up exclaiming, I never want to leave, I’ve made up my mind, “I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever,” Psalm 23:5-6.
Now let me share the physical parts that many do not know exists in the secret place.
As satisfying and glorious as the banqueting table is, with My Father’s presence spilling out all over, there is yet more that make people feel jealous. Did you know that no man who has given up and left his house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands to be in the secret place, for kingdom purposes, who will not receive a hundred times as much NOW IN THIS TIME, along with brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions — plus in the age to come, eternal life? (Mark 10:29-30).
That’s right. Even while you’re on earth, the rewards will begin to flow, because I promised that if you seek the Kingdom first, all these things including spiritual family, and sometimes blood family, places to live, methods of travel, everything that you could ever need or want, will be added unto you, to carry out the great commission before you, to bring My Father’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
No one on planet earth can out give the King of kings and LORD of lords (Matthew 6:33). The secret in becoming a mature Kingdom Citizen is wrapped up in the word ‘total,’ which the normal fleshly man does not understand.
What you call ‘total,’ is to the best of your carnal knowledge, based on what you think is good and is bad. However, what the Kingdom calls total, is based on revelation knowledge, that your flesh has been completely crucified.
At that point, you have no more personal agendas, or opinions. Everything from that point on is based on what the King says and wants as the only possible option in overcoming everything.
Remember the vision I gave you several years ago? You were in a barrel of filthy oil, submerged in oil with rags at the bottom of the barrel. I was on the outside of the barrel and I ask you to hand Me a clean rag, to which you replied, “I can’t, everything around Me is filthy!”
And then I reminded you of My word, that your righteousness is as filthy rags, (Isaiah 64:6) due to the fact that you were born in sin, and you needed to be taken out of the barrel and placed in a clean barrel which would be a barrel washed in My blood, with all clean rags and then anything you handed Me would be clean because it was washed sin free by My blood.
That’s how salvation works, and when you are a mature Kingdom Citizen, you will be able to reach into the barrel and hand Me whatever I ask for, and it will help build My Kingdom.
You are almost there, because you love the secret place above everything and everyone else, this is the sure road to becoming a kingdom ambassador, approved and qualified to represent My Kingdom.
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministering with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with TV and radio, a retired businessman, Jim helped feed Ugandan widows and orphans, and helped Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He was His banker and was privileged to give His money away, helping to build a Haiti orphanage and invest in USA lives. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD.
Oh very well said! Thank you
Bonjour Hello Jim my dear Brother.
This is the Best of the best!!!!!
Its So annointed and straight from fathers heart.
Thankyou profusely for having the Heart to hear
And share this Gem.
God Bless you abundantly
Sisters in Christ
From quebec
Linda & Monique