A Job-Like Lesson
A couple of weeks ago I raked up some Loquat leaves that were dry on the ground and there is no grass on the ground, it’s just dirt there.
In doing so it kicked up dirt and some mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes at my sons house this year were these weird little mosquitoes with white spots and unusually strange.
I could barely see them, because they’re so tiny, they could go through the screen easily. There are two bodies of water near them so it’s understandable that at the time of the year that there are mosquitoes being released.
But I got some bites and they were nasty bites. They were really itchy and there were two particular bites on my lower right leg that didn’t seem to heal that easy and I just thought; I don’t know, I’m getting older it’s taking longer.
But it just kept getting longer and it almost looked like a little crater in the middle even though it’s a tiny sore and I thought this is so weird and thought it was ring worm, but then after this weekend I broke out in on my hand on the upper half of my right hand and then, because I have dry skin and scratched my forehead, I got some on my forehead and as I’m realizing it’s possibly ringworm, I am going online to research what’s the best treatment for this, because I’ve not had it that I know of, but did have for decades off and on reoccurring candida symptoms since my son was born.
I got some over-the-counter cream and I started putting it on but it didn’t seem to do that much and I looked up different approaches on YouTube and garlic is one of the things you can make a poultice with — or slice it up and put it on the sores.
So I did that last night and it worked really well to bring down the swelling and oozing and then I also found a special soap on another YouTube video by a gal who said that she had put up with it for a month going to the gym and couldn’t handle it anymore and she found this soap called DEFENSE! Which she said worked for her to dry them up in 2 days.
But yesterday as I was pondering all this with The LORD, because I had asked for prayer as I not only got the sores on my hand and my forehead, but I got a major headache with head pressure that came during the night, so I needed some help with warfare prayers.
But as I was talking about it with a friend, The LORD gave me an impression a memory from years ago ago when I had gone to a Prophecy Conference at Harvest Rock.
There are some big-name prophets there most of you be familiar with and one of them was James Goll and his wife who was still with us at the time.
While I was going to that Conference, I’d taken some medication for chronic candida that was an oral pill and I broke out in a terrible puffy rash under my arms.
That night Che An gave a testimony about how The LORD had reached into his armpits to pull pride out of his heart.
So since I’m an Intercessor, I realize somethings going on more than I understood.
So then the next morning I wake up and my whole face is red and puffy and in the shape of a heart like the top of the heart was right at the midpoint of my forehead and the point at the chin.
I was questioning The LORD and He said to me rather clearly, “The FACE of My Church is the HEART ATTITUDES of the people!”
Later that day there was oozing coming from this massive swelling on my face and I said to The LORD, “It stinks!” (Because it really did smell and I’m assuming that was coming out of my pores, because of the med battling with the disease.)
And The LORD said to me, “The pride of the Prophets is a stink in My Nostrils too!!”
Remember also, that yeast is a sign of a Pharisee Spirit. Jesus often pointed out the hypocrisy in the Pharisees and likened it to pride — the lump filled with leaven.
What could I say, when I had also battled with pride and you have to understand that pride is not just thinking you’re better than somebody else.
It’s also thinking you’re less than somebody else; less than who God made you to be, and who He says you are!
We all fail in the pride arena specially here in the United States.
A good definition of humility is someone who depends on The LORD and His Wisdom, not their own.
Back to the object lesson…
The next day I woke up and my eyes were puffy like a frog, so I wore sunglasses to cover up the ugliness.
And The LORD wanted me to go to see Michal Ann Goll and tell her what The LORD told me, that the eyes of the prophets were full of pride!
So I wrote it on a note and I found her sitting next to Jim in a row, and I took off my glasses to show her my face and what The LORD showed me.
Then she took her sunglasses off too and she also had puffy eyes and God had told her the same thing!
Hers were less swollen than mine — but still swollen — and it was a confirmation to her ,and hers a confirmation to me, which was awesome, because when you’re going through these sufferings, it’s very easy to be manipulated by the enemy into condemnation or thinking that you’re just imagining things and that it’s all in your head, especially when you’re not that old in the realm of the prophetic gift.
So…. back to the present breakout of infection.
The LORD impressed me when I was seeking Him, that this was about the same thing and He was showing me that the whole face is not broken out, so there’s still a portion of the face that is reddened and sore, and a small part of the right leg and the top part of my hand was the worst part.
So what does this mean? What I got was that prophets still have some pride that needs to be cleaned up; strongholds in their minds, because the breakout is near my hairline behind which is the brain.
You defend yourself with your right side if you’re right handed, that’s the right lower leg has a few sores relating to infection in our walk.
The right hand again with most people being right handed is the hand you have wielded your sword with when defending yourself, which is The Word of God, and it’s also the right hand for reaching out to people for reaching out to others.
The night before 911, I had gotten a Word from The LORD and the name of it was “The arms are disconnected from the body…”
The LORD usually gives me a Word by starting with a Title, because the Titles in someway are also clues, so I always usually have a Title for the Words I have most of the time that He spoke to me.
But this Word was about The Church not reaching out to the poor, not taking care of the widows and orphans, not practicing true religion… Again, pride in the way….
I wasn’t sure about all these impressions and when I told Sandi Holman about it, I found out The LORD’s been speaking to her about the same thing, so her Words to me confirmed what God said to me.
But then I went to walk in clinic and have found out this monstrous thing on my hand/leg and forehead is also from a type of bacterial infection — Streptococcus agalactiae!
I haven’t had strep since I was about nine or 10 years old and I had a really bad case of it (scarlet fever) for a month.
I had to get penicillin shots every day and I got very weak, so that they told me I couldn’t go to the bathroom by myself, because I might fall and I tried to and I did fall.
And it was my foster mom had to take care of me, because my own mom was working, so it was a little more traumatic for me, and it was some thing that God wanted to heal the memory of.
I’ve been asking God to root-out all infection in my body, because I’ve had so much illness in my life, viruses etc.
I knew that there was still a spirit of infirmity tormenting me that I think came from the Freemasonry in my family. So though He’s allowed it for more than one reason, He is cleaning out my heart ♥️ and the hearts of the prophets who have been so broken.
After going to the clinic a couple more times I found out that the route of the infection on my skin was something called tinea versicolor. Are young Jordanian doctor confirmed it and put me on some fluconazole once a week.
In America we’ve had a big problem with pride, because of being in “the greatest” country, not only in our eyes, but in the eyes of the world.
Many countries have people who want to come here, because of the freedom we have enjoyed.
However it is our nation that also concocted the UN at Bohemian Grove. It is our nation who participated with western bankers in their war plots/ schemes.
Repentance Is important if we’re going to stand before The LORD as he comes in power that we would be able to receive everything that He wants for us.
Pray for the healing and deliverance of God’s Prophets, instead of bludgeoning our wounded. We need to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters like Moses did.
We need to separate ourselves from people who demand money for prophecy, until they also repent. I’m talking personal prophecies.
Of course we need to support the prophets and apostles and evangelist and pastors and teachers, but self indulgence has become the norm for many in The Church.
I’ve had to live on Faith for a very long time, but with today’s Church leaders, it seems many of them have forgotten, or not understood, what it is to walk in Faith — that God will provide.
Sometimes they can walk in Faith for other things — but many don’t want to go through any hardship.
Truthfully, nobody wants to sign up for hardship. The priests in the Old Testament had God as their inheritance, and we need to live that way too, instead of looking to man all the time.
Yes of course, it’s men who provide most often, but it’s up to God to put it on their hearts to do so, not for us to beg, or demand an offering before telling people that you’ll give them a prophetic word.
Trust God for Provision. A Gift of Prophecy is just that, and it’s God who determines what He speaks and when, and to whom. We can’t manipulate God, nor are we to manipulate others.
For a few weeks I’ve been sick with the bioweapon, and I don’t have much ability to chat, but I have to say that there’s been a real loss in this nation of kindness and caring about others —- not just in the nation, it’s in The Church People who don’t know how to be a nurse.
I was a nurse in my early life and I know the difference between natural compassion and God compassion.
People have a tendency to lecture you, or spout some scripture, rather than to pray, or if they pray, they pray “corrective prayers”, as if that’s appropriate.
Compassion is what births miracles. Not lecturing; not reminding people they should be doing this, should be doing that.
If you don’t have compassion, then don’t bother to pray for people! All it takes Is asking God for the compassion that you lack, and He’ll give it to you… and if not, back off and stop lecturing people.
Stop being arrogant and prideful and presumptive. “Assuming”, Graham Cooke once said, “makes an ass out of you and me.”
Whatever we need God is our source, but when someone’s hurting, when someone’s afflicted and in pain, the last thing they need is a lecture — they need compassion; they need caring; they need your heartfelt prayers….
But if you don’t have time, then don’t take it on — because you’re not called to be the Savior, Jesus is.
While I was in hospital, God renewed my love for the nursing profession, because I had some really good nurses while in there, and it reminded me so much of why I loved that profession, and God gave me a heart again to pray for them.
When I came to The LORD, The LORD had me lay down the nursing profession, because all my pride was tied up in that, and because He said He had other things for me to do.
I am grateful for a renewed perspective and God’s keeping and healing power.
Loquat Image:from Wikipedia
~ Priscilla Van Sutphin
PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at www.upstreamca.org and blogtalkradio.com/ Upstream. Email: upstream.ca@me.com For Donations: send to ‘Priscilla Van Sutphin’ on envelope, but to Upstream if chk at 15660 Tustin Village Way #27, Tustin CA 92780 or https://www.paypal.me/UpstreamMinistries or Zelle thru using upstream.ca@me.com
Dear Pris, The Lord showed you an awl and that represents the pain in my head. I asked the Lord for the mantle of humility described by Rick Joyner. Although I suffer constantly, there would be pride without that mantle. Folks, I would like to explore the depths of that mantle. Sometimes, bad language comes from my lips, but it doesn’t come from my heart. Perhaps I should talk to a Christian psychologist, but I am a Christian psychologist. I stumble, but Jesus stumbled under the weight of the cross. You have been a blessing to me and to the nation of Australia. Thank you Jesus for stumbling for me.
So dear Peter, we ask that the Presence and power of the Holy Spirit would fill you and bring His healing ….We command demons of pain out in the Name of Jesus, and break every agreement with cursing.
“Fill my heart with rejoicing and may my lips be filled with Praise Lord Jesus”
My heart is being impressed with the beautiful words from Psalm 19
9a “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;”…
Psalms 19:12-14
Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse me from secret faults.
Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
THANK YOU dear Priscilla for being SO DETAILED in your share!
I’m certain that it will be a tremendous comfort and instruction for intercessors!
Just wanted to share as well, the powerful benefits of Star anise ( AND PRAYER) to mitigate the harmful effects of candidas…
Just need to take @3x daily in a tea for a week or two , while removing sugar and white bread from the diet! You can however have a tsp of organic honey in the tea!
Link for star anise benefits
The prophets have a particular gift to minister within the body of Christ, while others have different gifts to minister and to minister also back to the prophets. What I see concerning prophetic pride is that many who claim to be prophets see themselves as an elite group over the body of Christ, who are more accountable to each other rather than to the whole body. Those without the office of prophet are still able to hear the Lord’s voice and thus can sense when something is either right or wrong – although they may quash their senses when something is wrong.
Pride may lead to the belief that a prophet can also teach, although having the gift of prophecy does not necessitate having the separate gift of teaching – in the same way that pride told King Uzziah he could also be a priest. This problem, however, is more than one of pride but of malfunction in the wider operation of the gifts. I believe the Lord will sort this out, and that the solution lies in the body again meeting in settings where each may minister.
Thank you Mark Roberts for your thoughtful, insightful reply.
I so appreciate your careful, watchful detail to the Word and to the Spiritual implications…
This takes me back to another conversation with “Mama Joyce” that begun regarding 5 of the 7 churches of Revelations …and your positing regarding the church of Ephesus, and searching out the true meaning of the “deeds that the Lord hates, of the “Nicolaitans” …
Mark, I do believe you are spot on here. These are Words of wisdom. God bless you, Joyce
Such a great word! I was just saying to my husband this morning how sad to see the competition arise among well-known prophetic voices lately (as I was writing a piece in my heart book about how we don’t always recognize the pride of our own hearts)..so I said will I ever get done dealing with my own heart? And of course, the answer is it is a daily act of obedience. THanks for sharing, Pris. Love and blessings, Sandi
Thank you for this word
I was just troubled about a request I made to a certain prophet who offers to email a word from the Lord. Going through a lot of loss and trauma, I put in a request at the end of November2021. Right away I was asked to make a prophetic gift as a seed. This triggered a warning in my discernment but I went ahead anyway as I was desperate. I never heard back so I sent an email reminder January 4. I still haven’t heard back so I was feeling like I wasn’t worthy in God’s eyes. But then I read through your whole post where you warned against prophets doing this very thing. This has so encouraged me. I agree with you. God will provide for his true prophets without them needing to manipulate desperate people. I have been out of work since last September due to vax mandates that I refused to bow to. I am getting desperate but I will trust in the Lord alone.
Bless you and may God heal all your infirmities completely.
Dear Mark,
May you find a strong confidence in your FAITHFUL SHEPHERD through the WORD.
As you allow Holy Spirit to guide you through the Word, I pray that you will develop complete confidence in the Lord as your Shepherd…to lead, guide and feed you.
Get some of those promises on the inside of you, and then lift them up to Father in prayer and praise declaration, in CONFIDENT anticipation of HIS GREAT GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
(Psalm 23)/ (John – chapter 14-17)…are some great places to begin.
Know that you are His beloved child, and He is your perfect Father! (James 1:17)
He has (and always will) give you everything that you need for life and godliness through the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus(that is the knowledge that Jesus is present for you) and through the Divine promises. (2Peter 1:3,4)
(Mathew 6:33) Seek His Kingdom and His righteousness first and ALL these other things will be taken care of in your life!
THANKSGIVING and PRAISE open up the pathways to blessing in our lives!
(Psalm 50:23 AMPC)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I am praying that you will have a revelation of Father’s love for you, and that A JOYFUL anticipation of His GOOD for you will RISE in your heart! (Romans 15:13)
Dear Priscilla,
When I read strange mosquito’s with white spots an alarm went off in my head! These sound like the genetically modified ones( released in Florida, I checked images they have white spots) that were supposed to control the population to stop the mosquitoes from biting and transferring disease. Some scientists are sounding the alarm that they may be used as vehicles to purposefully infect ,along with bees.
Thank you for your very timely word. The two things that stand out are the pride and lack of compassion. As someone with prophetic gifting too, it was only recently that I learned that pride can be lack of confidence and this can be a stumbling block. Lack of compassion is rampant, but often worse in the organized church just like in Jesus’ day. Thank you for giving me a named target ie “spirit of infirmity ” to war against , I am freed by the blood of Jesus, but with my father very high in freemasonry I get continued attack from the spirit realm.
Amanda Grace recently did a study on spiritual warfare from Luke 8 v 22-38, in summary Jesus dealt always with the spirit first and then the effects followed in the natural. During the storm Jesus was in the boat the whole time.
Like you said many have lost sight of this fact . We all need to return to our first love.
Thank you for sharing
I so appreciate your transparency Priscilla, thank you.
I’ve gone through Egypt myself and am still waiting for the Sea to part, but the sores and the stench of all the Father pulled out of me from the inside manifested on the outside. It brought me to my knees in repentance, and I have to be honest, it completely saved my life!! It has turned me from
the deception of the beautifully painted cup of flesh deception, to the Center-out Reflection of the Image of the Father. I’ve tossed it all to purchase the Truly Exquisite Priceless Pearl.
God bless you Priscilla!! :)
Dear Priscilla,
Well let me say, I’ve heard of you but have never till this moment read a whole post of yours. Maybe in bits and pieces, but now a whole note!
I absolutely love your very heart and style of writing!! Also the way you share. All I can say is thank you and you have touched me very deeply!
You mentioned Sandi, and I know they don’t come any finer or truer than her!
God bless you and keep you; and continually cause His face to shine upon you.
Sincerely, Joyce DMcGuire